Chapter 1 Questions Which of the following outlines the steps of the scientific method in the correct order Data hypothesis debate hypothesis test hypothesis with predictions theory Dust in the atmosphere is NOT associated with which of the following On the average for every 1 km increase in altitude in the troposphere the air temperature decreases 6 5 The most important source of the free oxygen in our atmosphere is plants in the ocean The vertical temperature structure of the troposphere is described by Lapse rate Water vapor represents what fraction of the air near the Earth s surface 0 4 The troposphere is most likely to be thickest tropics The level of the atmosphere with the highest temperatures is the thermosphere Which of the following spheres is composed exclusively of water hydrosphere The ozonelayer is found in the stratosphere The summit of Mt Everest 8 85 km is found in the troposphere Radiosondes have been used regularly since still used Which of the following is NOT true of radiosondes Twice a day balloons temp humidity press The formation of fossil fuels begins when carbon cycle dead plants carbon mixes with sediment Air may best be described as atmosphere Which one of the following is the MOST abundant gas in the atmosphere Nitrogen oxy argon co2 Which two gases make up a combined total of 99 of clean dry air in the homosphere N and O This variable atmospheric component can exist in all three states of matter solid liquid and gas at the temperatures and pressures that normally exist on Earth water This atmospheric component absorbs damaging ultraviolet radiation from the Sun O3 Ninety percent of our atmosphere lies below an altitude of about 16km With an increase in altitude air pressure decreases Atmospheric pressure is caused by weight of the air above Which of the following is the MOST important atmospheric component with regard to the Earth s climate Water vapor The four thermal layers of the atmosphere in order beginning from the surface are tropo strato meso thermo Ozone is concentrated in the strato The heterosphere and ionosphere are BOTH found in the thermo A primary difference between the concepts of weather and climate is the time Which of these was NOT involved with the formation and evolution of our present atmosphere The normal lapse rate applies to the atmosphere This country has the greatest variety of weather in the world US The majority of the water outside of the oceans is in the form of gas Which one of the following gases has the greatest effect on weather water Chapter 2 Questions Suppose the albedo of a planet is measured to be 40 percent This means that During natural processes heat transfer is always from higher the albedo lower the temp During the Earth s orbit around the Sun the inclination tilt of the Earth s axis changes Low sun angles result in reduced solar energy because shadow Which of the following correctly describes the equinoxes sun hits equator right in the middle Flagstaff AZ is at 35 degrees N latitude What is the angle of the Sun s noon rays here on March 21 Equinox 35 degrees At 45 degrees S latitude the angle of the noon Sun is lowest and the length of daylight is shortest on summer solstice june 21st Which of the following associations is INCORRECT The energy associated with motion is called kinetic Heat transfer of energy The longest wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum are radio The wavelengths emitted by the Earth are infrared On the average how much of the Sun s energy that is intercepted by the Earth system is reflected to space 30 The length of daylight gets progressively longer going south from the equator on december The spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere starts on March 21st The 90 degrees angle rays strike the Tropic of Cancer on June 21st New York City has its greatest length of daylight on June 21st The Earth receives energy from the Sun by heat The process of involves the movement of a mass or substance convention Wind is an example of Kinetic energy Thermals and advection are both types of convection The transfer of heat through matter by molecular collisions is called conduction Scattering During reflection Earth s perihelion nearest to the sun January third At what time of year is the Earth s axis not tilted either toward or away from the Sun spring and fall equinoxes The longest day of the year in the United States occurs on December 21st The surface with the HIGHEST albedo is desert snow Wavelengths of the visible spectrum are between 400 700 The type of energy that is responsible for sunburn is ultraviolet Objects with higher temperatures higher frequency go to lower temps The Earth emits terrestrial radiation all the tizzime If an imbalance occurs between incoming and outgoing energy at the Earth s surface either increase or decrease Earth is closest to the Sun during No hemisphere winter Most of the solar energy absorbed by planet Earth and its atmosphere is absorbed by Earth s surface Which of the following does NOT happen to solar radiation as it passes through the atmosphere Which of the following gases does not absorb any portion of incoming solar radiation N and O The atmosphere is heated primarily by absorption of earth radiation Clouds play an important role in the Earth s energy budget because they reflect solar radiation The Stefan Boltzman Law states that everything gives out energy The primary factor which determines what type and how much radiation an object emits is its temperature All radiation emitted by the Earth and its atmosphere is in the category of Infrared The primary cause of the Earth s seasons is earth s tilt Atmosphere is strongly with respect to terrestrial radiation absorptive The atmosphere is nearly with respect to solar radiation transparent Concerning solar radiation clouds are reflect cool Concerning terrestrial radiation clouds are reflect heat Early in January the Earth is closer to the Sun than at any other time of year This position is termed perihelion The atmosphere is nearly to terrestrial radiation that has a wavelength between 8 and 11 micrometers transparent The absorption of terrestrial radiation by certain gases in the lower atmosphere is called the Greenhouses Which of the following gases is the best absorber of ultraviolet light O3 Chapter 3 Questions If the maximum temperature on a particular day is 30 degrees F and the minimum temperatures is 21 degrees F then the daily temperature range is 9 degrees An isotherm on a map connects
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