CHAPTER 22 What are the 2 different ways that evolution can be viewed o As a pattern see data as observations about the world o As a process a process that consists of mechanisms that produce the observed change What is catastrophism o The principle that events in the past occurred suddenly and were caused by mechanisms different from those operating in the present Who strongly influenced Darwin s thinking Thought that geologic features could be explained by gradual mechanisms still operating today o Hutton o Lyell How did Lamarck explain evolution Came up with the term uniformitarianism which means that mechanisms are constant over time He branched off of Huttons ideas and proposed that the same geologic processes are operating today as in the past and that the same rate o From these two Darwin agreed that if geologic change results from slow continuous actions rather that sudden events then earth is much older than the widely accepted age o The idea of use and disuse the idea that parts of the body that are used become stronger and larger while those not being used deteriorate o He also used the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics an organism could pass on modifications to its offspring Believed that long muscular giraffe necks had evolved over many generation as giraffes stretched their necks even higher o He also thought that evolution happened because animals had a drive to become more complex How did Darwin get into evolution o Hated medical school dropped out started studying under botanist John Henslow Henslow recommended Darwin go on the survey ship HMS Beagle for a long voyage around the world Darwin s Voyage on the Beagle South American coastline o Embarked in 1831 from England o The mission of the voyage was to chart poorly known stretches of the o Darwin observed that the plants and animals in temperature regions of South America more closely resembled species in the SA tropics than species in different regions of Europe o Stop at the Galapagos islands a group of volcanic islands 900 km west of SA Realized that many of the species on these islands were modified versions of the species on the mainland but very different from species elsewhere He hypothesized that the Galapagos had been colonized by organisms that had strayed from south America and then diversified giving rise to new species on the various islands o He observed many examples of adaptations inherited characteristics of organisms that enhance their survival and reproduction in specific environments He began to see adaptation to the environment and the origin of the species as closely related processes Scientists years later agreed that this is what happened with the finches beak shapes and sizes reflected the food that they had to eat This gave rise to his thought of natural selection Natural selection is a process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates because of these traits o Who s work greatly resembles Darwin s Wallace a british naturalist working in the south pacific islands Wallace s theory of natural selection was almost identical and it was submitted by Lyell for publications Within that year Darwin published his extensive book called On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection usually just called the Origin of Species Wallace thought that Darwin s research was so extensive that he let Darwin take the forefront o Why did Darwin succeed in convincing scientists that evolution was real By presenting a plausible scientific mechanism with immaculate logic and avalanche of evidence What are the 3 main sections in Darwin s book BTW he never used the word evolution however the final word of the book is evolved Came from the descent of all organisms from an ancestor that o Unity of Life lived in the remote past o The Diversity of Life Over millions of years these common ancestors developed diverse modifications to fit their way of life Darwin never used the word evolution in his book What did he call it o The match between organisms and their environment o Descent with modification Scientist estimate that of all species that have ever lived are now extinct o 99 How did Darwin convince the most skeptical readers of natural selection o Discussed familiar examples of selective breeding of domesticated plants and animals Called this artificial selection Deals with crops livestock and customized pets that barely resemble their ancestors think of those fucking weird pigeons in the powerpoint o Darwin argued that artificial selection happens in nature too but it is from natural causes not people wanting a furry pigeon as a pet Argued that members of a population often vary in their That all species can produce more offspring than their inherited traits AND environment can handle and the lesser suited offspring fail to survive and reproduce From this he inferred that individuals whose inherited traits give them a higher probability of surviving and reproducing in a given environment tend to leave more offspring than other individuals This unequal ability to survive and reproduce will lead to favorable traits in the population over generations o What did Malthus hypothesize Much of human suffering disease famine war was the consequence of human s potential to increase faster than the available resources o What are the main ideas of natural selection according to 22 2 Natural selection is a process in which individuals that have certain heritable traits survive and reproduce at a higher rate than other individuals because of those traits Over time natural selection can increase the match between organisms and their environment In an environment changes natural selection results in adaptations that could give rise to a new species evolves over time o Remember that individuals do not evolve it is the population that o Remember that natural selection can only amplify of diminish o Remember that environmental factors vary from place to place so a trait that is favorable in one environment may not be favorable in the other What are the four types of data that document the pattern of evolution and heritable traits illuminate the process by which it occurs o Direct observations of evolution o Homology o The Fossil Record o Biogeography Soapberry bug study o These bugs are herbivores that use their beak to feed on seeds located o These bugs feed most efficiently when their beak length closely within the fruits of various plants
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