Final Exam Study CPO2002 Unit 1 Ch 1 Ch 7 1 What is comparative political science Political science is the study of politics in a scientific manner Comparative politics is the study of politic predominantly within countries 2 What is Science Is a strategy for understanding and explaining the social and natural world that emphasizes the use of statements that can be examined to see weather they are wrong Science is NOT a collection of facts that tell us what we know about the world 3 Research Question Why did that occur We expect one thing but something else occurs why How does a country s status as an oil producer its wealth and its economic growth affect the probability that it will become a democracy 4 Theory 5 Hypothesis Model formal or informal Serves as a simplification of the world Is a set of logically consistent statements that tell us why the things that we observe occur A theory is sometimes referred to as a model or an explanation Cannot be tested This step of the scientific process requires that we deduce implications from the model or theory other than those we set out to explain in the first place Good models provide many different implications Are tested 6 Logical Syllogism Is a type of logical argumentation that draws its conclusion from two or more premises 7 Affirming the consequent It s an Invalid Argument 8 Affirming the Antecedent Major Premise If P then Q If a country is wealthy P then it will be a democracy Q Minor Premise Q The country is a democracy Q Conclusion Therefore P Therefore the country is wealth WRONG A valid Argument Major Premise If P then Q If a country is wealthy then it will be a Democracy Minor Premise P The country is wealthy Conclusion Therefore Q Therefore the country is a democracy 9 Denying the Antecedent It s an Invalid Argument Major Premise If P then Q If a country is wealthy then it will be a democracy Minor Premise Not P The country is not wealthy Conclusion Therefore not Q Therefore the country will not be a democracy WRONG 10 Denying the consequent It s a valid Argument Major Premise If P then Q If a country is wealthy then it will be a democracy Minor Premise Not Q The country is not a democracy Conclusion Therefore not P Therefore the country is not wealthy 11 Falsifiability The belief that a statement theory or hypothesis must be falsifiable in order to be scientific If a claim cannot be proven wrong then it is not scientific 12 Necessary and Sufficient Conditions 1 Necessary conditions Is a circumstance in whose absence the phenomenon in question cannot occur It depends on something else in order to occur 2 Sufficient conditions Is a circumstance in whose presence the phenomenon in question must occur It does not depend on other variable in order for it to occur its independent 13 Valid Arguments One where you have to accept the conclusion if you accept the premises What type of conditional arguments are Valid and Invalid Affirm Deny Antecedent Consequent Valid Invalid Invalid Valid 14 Determinism VS Probability 1 Determinism Suggest that all events including human actions are ultimately determined by external causes If one thing causes another it always will Determine causation 2 Probabilistic Suggest that actions increase or decrease the probability of something occurring It does not have to be right or wrong like deterministicly perfet it either increases or decreases the probability of something occurring 15 How to solve game theory models Game theory is a tool not a theory Players A Cooperate A Defect B Cooperate 10 5 5 5 B Defect 0 0 5 10 10 5 Nash Equilibrium 16 Prisoner s Dilemma Both players are in their best interest to rat each other out 17 Exit Voice Loyalty Model How to solve Backwards Induction We use it to anticipate the next move the other player will make Subgames What it means for state citizen relationships An autonomous state never backs down The state is willing to back down under two circumstances 1 The citizen must have a credible exit threat 2 The state must be dependent on the citizen State is autonomous of the citizens the citizens must have an exit threat 18 What is a state The state is a human community that Successfully claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory 1 A given Territory 2 The use of force or the threat of force to control the inhabitants The state promises to protect citizens from dangers that it poses its citizens to 19 Contractarian view of the state Origins of the state Sees the creation of the state as resulting from a social contract between individuals in the state of nature in which the state of nature in which the state provided security in exchange for obedience from the citizen Levels of the conflict of interest There is always going to a problem between people they are a threat to each other The emergence of state from the state of nature status its more efficient when the state is will to punish people from engaging in bad social behavior and it must limit itself from an excessive tax 19 Predatory view of the state Origins of the state Holds that states that exercise an effective control over the use of violence are in a position to threaten the security of citizens that according to the social contract view of the state they have a duty to protect Levels of the conflict of interest Conflict between the State and the people An unintended consequence of political leaders Example of conquer that goes to other cities and makes other people work for him and supply him with resources to help him win battle in this process he unintended creates states institutions 20 Somalia TFG Transitional Federal Government Recognized as the legitimate Somali government Somalialand became independent from Britain on June 26 1960 Somalia became independent from Italy on June 30 1960 SRC Supreme Revlutionary Council October 1969 Army was established Proxy War Somalia vs Ethiopia Siad Barre thrown out in 1991 mohammed Farah Threw out Barre Warlords Militial leaders in Somalia Operation restore hope a military operation backed by the U N and largely staffed by American troop that went into Somalia union of Islamic courts Local Islamic courts set up by business men and religious leaders who needed a minimum level of law and orders to deal with thieves Alliance for the restoration of peace and counter terrorism Group in somlaia against the Union of Islamic courts gained by U S support Al Shabab The youth hard live military movement formed in Somalia
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