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CPO2002 Introduction to Comparative Politics Completed Test 1 Review Suggestions for reviewing for Exam 1 The exam will have multiple choice questions similar to the style of questions you have seen on the homework assignment You will need a 2 pencil I recommend bringing more than one The questions on the homework will be a good guide to the kinds of questions I will ask on the exam You are expected to have read all of the chapters 1 6 thoroughly List of general topics likely to appear on the midterm non exhaustive Mill s methods of Agreement and Difference Mill s method of Agreement compares cases that agree in regard to the political phenomenon to be explained Mill s method of Difference compares cases that differ in regard to the outcome to be explained Necessary and sufficient conditions Necessary condition is a circumstance in whose absence the phenomenon in question cannot occur Sufficient condition is a circumstance in whose presence the phenomenon in question must occur Scientific falsifiable statements hypotheses Scientific statements must be falsifiable This means that they are potentially testable there must be some imaginable observation that could falsify or refuse them Valid and invalid arguments conclusion Valid is an argument in which if you accept the premises you are compelled to accept the Invalid is an argument in which if you accept the premises you are free to accept or reject the conclusion Strategic and extensive game what these games are and when they are used Strategic games are games in which players make their choices simultaneously Prisoner s Dilemma think about the emergence of state Extensive games are games in which players make their choices sequentially Game Theory examine the balance of power between citizens and states Solving both extensive form chapter 3 and strategic form chapter 4 games Practice problems and detailed instructions located in back of chapters 3 and 4 The implications of the EVL game for the power relationship between a citizen and the state If citizen has no exit payoff then state will ignore every time If state doesn t need citizen s loyalty then they will ignore every time Contractarian and predatory views of the state Contractarian sees the creation of the state as resulting from a social contract between individuals in the state of nature in which the state provides security in exchange for obedience from the citizen Predatory holds that states that exercise an effective control over the use of violence are in a posi tion to threaten the security of citizens This makes it possible for them to exploit the citizens that ac cording to the social contract view of the state they have a duty to protect Conceptualizing and measuring democracy Substantive View of Democracy classifies political regimes in regard to the outcomes that they produce Minimalist View of Democracy classifies political regimes in regard to their institutions and procedures Types of measures nominal ordinal or interval or dichotomous versus continu ous etc Nominal classifies observations into discrete categories that must be mutually exclusive and Ordinal rank orders observations Interval places observations on a scale so that we can tell how much more or less of the thing being collectively exhaustive measured each observation exhibits Dichotomous has only 2 discrete categories democracy or dictatorship no in between Continuous can take on any intermediate value within a given range 1 10 DD Polity IV and Freedom House measures of democracy DD Dichotomous Country is Democracy if all 4 of the following conditions apply 1 The chief executive is elected 2 The legislature is elected 3 There is more than one party competing in the elections 4 An alternation in power under identical electoral rules had taken place minimalist view does not address substantive outcomes Polity IV measure of democracy and autocracy Democracy score minus Autocracy score Final Rating Continuous Score of 6 through 10 Democracy Score of 6 through 10 Dictatorship Score of 5 through 5 Anocracy or mixed regime Based on measure of level of political rights and civil rights Rated on 10 political rights questions and 15 civil rights questions all questions rated 0 4 Average score of 1 to 2 5 Free Average score of 3 to 5 5 Partly Free Average score of 5 5 to 7 Not Free Unlike others employs a substantive view takes into account the substantive outcomes minimalist view does not address substantive outcomes Freedom House measure of freedom not technically a measure of Democracy produced by different political regimes Evaluating measures Conceptualization the process of creating mental categories that capture the meaning of objects events or ideas Validity refers to the extent to which our measures correspond to the concepts that they are intended to reflect Reliability refers to the extent to which the measurement process repeatedly and consistently pro duces the same score for a given case Replicability refers to the ability of third party scholars to reproduce the process through which a measure is created Modernization theory Modernization theory predicts that democracy is more likely to emerge and survive as countries develop and become richer Survival theory Survival theory predicts that democracy is more likely to survive as countries develop and become richer but it is not more likely to emerge Interpreting coefficients from a regression table Tables in chapter 6 The empirical evidence for the effect of a country s status as an oil producer its wealth and its economic growth on the probability of democratic transition and democratic survival Many dictatorships are rich from their natural resources oil which contradicts the claim of classic modernization theory that increased income produces democracy However it is true that countries are more likely to become democratic and remain democratic as their economies become more modern Glance over Chapter 6 for more detailed info

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