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Definitions Measure a quantification of the concept in which we are interested Substantive view of democracy classifies political regimes in regard to the outcome they produce institutions Minimalist view of democracy classifies political regimes in regard to the Contestation captures the extent to which citizens are free to organize themselves into competing blocs in order to press for the policies and outcomes they desire Inclusion has to do with who gets to participate in the democratic process Polyarchy a political regime with high levels of both contestation inclusion Dichotomous measure a measure that has only two discrete categories or values within a given range Continuous measure a measure that can take on any intermediate value Bottom up transition the people rise up and overthrow an authoritarian regime in a popular revolution Top down transition The dictatorial ruling elite introduces liberalizing reform that ultimately lead to a democratic transition Collective action refers to the pursuit of some objective by groups of individuals typically the object is a public good Public good a non excludable and non rivalrous good Non excludable good individuals cannot be prevented from using the good Non rivalrous good no matter how many individuals use the good it is still available for others Collective action problem or Free rider problem the fact that individual members of a group often have little incentive to contribute to the provision of a public good that will benefit all members of the group Example Join a Union Voluntarily pay taxes Protest Preference falsification not revealing ones true preferences in public Revolutionary threshold the size of the protest at which an individual is willing to participate Policy of liberalization a controlled opening of the political space that might include formation of political parties holding elections writing a constitution establishing a judiciary opening a legislature etc Complete information game each player knows everything there is to know about the game Incomplete information game a player does not know all of the relevant info about some of the other player s characteristics Information set a dashed line connecting nodes where an uncertain player makes a choice it indicated that a player doesn t know whether she is at one choice node or the other Nature a player that makes decisions randomly or makes a certain choices Expected payoff multiply the probability of each outcome by its payoff and with probability sum each of these products 2 15 Lecture inclusion 1 discuss Dahl s conception of democracy including contestation and Democracy consists of two dimensions Contestation citizens are free to organize themselves into competing blocs in order to press for the policies and outcomes they desire and Inclusion has to do with who gets to participate in the democratic process Dahl recognized modern states could never be truly democratic so he used polyarchy a political regime with high levels of both contestation and inclusion Polyarchies have elected officials free and fair elections inclusive suffrage rights to run for office freedom of expression alternative information and associational autonomy 2 discuss differences between substantive and procedural views of democracy Substantive views of democracy classify political regimes in regard to the outcome they produce a form of democracy that functions in the interest of the governed Although a country may allow all citizens of age to vote this characteristic does not necessarily qualify it as a substantive democracy In a substantive democracy the general population plays a real role in carrying out its political affairs While minimalist views classifies regimes into institutions Example of minimalist country is Botswana 3 discuss the differences and similarities among the three measures of democracy we discussed PACL Measure Countries are democracies if the following are true Chief executive is elected legislature is elected more than 1 party competing in elections and an alteration in power under electoral rules have taken place Is a dichotomous measure measure has only 2 discrete categories or values Male Female or democracy dictatorship Polity IV Measure Measure is continuous measure that can take on any intermediate value within a given range Measure of Democracy is 2 scores combined Autocracy score democracy score Polity Measure Based on 5 things competitiveness of executive recruitment openness of executive recruitment constraints that exist on the executive regulation of political participation competitiveness of political participation Freedom House as Measure Measure is continuous 2 dimensions that produce it Political rights and Civil rights Example 10 questions each scored from 0 to 4 Summed to produce a score from 0 to 40 The 0 40 score is converted into a 1 to 7 scale 2 22 Lecture 1 Explain the two theories Modernization Theory by Seymour Lipset all societies through the same development process will eventually look like today s developed countries Gradually more from immature to mature or Modern and as countries mature they become more complex economically Ultimately this makes dictatorships unstable in developing countries and democracy unstable in developing countries Survival Story by Przeworski A process where unrelated income leads to countries to become democratic High income countries will remain Democratic Dictators inner circle does very well while everyone else does not which leads to hunger and poor living In Democracies income is distributed more equally If Democracy is poor people will continue to be poor have a small chance of being in the inner circle While if the democracy is rich the person will continue to be well off if it transitions to dictatorship people will be much poorer 2 What theory do the data support overall It supports both wealth does make countries more likely to be democratic It doesn t necessarily cause democratic transition but wealth does create stable economies which are not likely to fail 3 Which specific implications are supported Implications supported Democracy and Income Transition to Democracy w income 2 27 Lecture method 1 Know how to interpret regression tables using the sign and significance Before first step Make sure that your varible of interest is not multiplied by another variable 1 see if coefficient of interest is significant if it is move to next step if it isn t we cannot me confident that the effect is

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