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Chapter 12 Motivating Employees 12 1 Motivating For Performance Motivation What It Is Why It s Important Motivation the psychological process that arouse and direct goal oriented behavior Cannot be seen must be inferred Simple motivational model Undesired need Desire is created to fulfill a need as for food safety and recognition Motivation You search for ways to satisfy the need Behaviors You choose a type of behavior you think might satisfy the need Rewards Two types of rewards satisfy needs extrinsic or intrinsic Feedback Reward informs you whether behavior worked and should be used again Extrinsic reward the payoff such as money that a person receives from others for performing a particular task o This is an external reward the payoff comes from pleasing others Intrinsic reward the satisfaction such as a feeling of accomplishment which a person receives from performing the particular task itself o This is an internal reward the payoff comes from pleasing yourself You want to motivate people for these reasons from most to least important 1 Join your organization 2 Stay with your organization 3 Show up for work at your organization 4 Be engaged while at your organization 5 Do extra for your organization There is no theory accepted by everyone as to what motivated people There are four principle perspectives 1 Content 3 Job Design 2 Process 4 Reinforcement 12 2 Content Perspectives on Employee Motivation that motivate people Content perspectives aka need based perspectives theories that emphasize the needs Needs physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior Besides Theory X pessimistic negative view of employees Theory Y optimistic positive view of employees content perspectives include four theories ERG theory o Maslow s hierarchy of needs theory o o McClelland s acquired needs theory o Hertzberg s two factory theory Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Theory Five Levels Maslow s hierarchy of needs theory proposes that people are motivated by five levels of needs 1 Physiological the most basic human physical needs food water clothing 2 Safety Physical safety and emotional security so that a person is concerned with avoiding violence and threats 3 Love Once basic needs are taken care of people look for love friendship shelter etc and affection 4 Esteem After they need their social needs people focus in such matter as self respect status reputation recognition and self confidence 5 Self actualization The highest level of need is self fulfillment the need to develop one s fullest potential to become the best on is capable of being Although research doesn t clearly support Maslow s theory it remains popular with managers because it shows that workers have needs beyond that of just earning a paycheck Alderfer s ERG Theory Existence Relatedness Growth ERG Theory assumes that three basic needs influence behavior existence relatedness and growth Unlike Maslow s theory ERG Theory says that there are 3 not 5 needs that can be fulfilled simultaneously rather than one tier at a time 1 Existence The desire for physiological and material well being 2 Relatedness The need to have meaningful relationships with people that 3 Growth desire to grow as human beings and to use out abilities to their are important to them fullest potential McClelland s Acquired Need Theory Achievement Affiliation Power Acquired Need Theory States that three needs achievement affiliation and power are major motives determining people s behavior in the workplace McClelland argues that we are not born with our needs but learn them from our culture The Three Needs 1 Achievement I need to excel at tasks 2 Affiliation I need close relationships 3 Power I need to control others There are two different types of power Personal control of other people Involves manipulation for selfish reasons and institutional need to solve problems that further organizational goals Hertzberg s Two Factor Theory From Dissatisfying Factors to Satisfying Factors Two Factor Theory proposes that work satisfaction and dissatisfaction arise from two different factors work satisfaction from motivating factors and work dissatisfaction from hygiene factors Hygiene factors Why are my people dissatisfied Lower level needs are factors such as salary working conditions interpersonal relationships and company policy all of which affect the job context in which people work Ex Temperature in a factory that s not air conditioned in the summer Installing an AC will remove a hygiene factor that causes job dissatisfaction It WILL NOT however spur factory workers motivation and make them greatly satisfied in their work Motivating factors What will make my people satisfied Higher level needs or simply motivators are factors associated with job satisfaction such as achievement recognition responsibility and advancement all of which affect the job context or the rewards of work performance Ex Giving factory workers more control over their work Instead of repeating a single monotonous task over and over again a worker might want to join with others on a team in which each one does several tasks If you were a manager using Two Factor Theory you d want to remove hygiene factors making sure that working conditions pay levels and company policy are reasonable You should then concentrate on spurring motivation by providing opportunities for achievement recognition responsibility and personal growth 12 3 Process Perspectives on Employee Motivation Process perspectives concerned with the thought process by which people decide how to Three process perspectives on motivation act how employees choose behavior to meet their needs Equity theory Expectancy theory Goal setting theory Equality Theory How Fairly Do You Think You re Being Treated in Relation to Others Fairness or more importantly the perception of fairness can be a big issue in organization Equality Theory Focuses on employee persecutions as to how fairly they thing they are being treated compared to others Key elements in equity theory are inputs and outputs Inputs what do you think you re putting into the job the inputs hat people perceive they give to an organization are their time effort training etc Outputs what do you think you re getting out of the job The outputs are the rewards that people receive from an organization pay benefits Comparison how do you think your ration of inputs and rewards compare with these of others Studies suggest that people compare their ratio of inputs and outputs

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FSU MAN 3240 - Chapter 12- Motivating Employees

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