Food Choices Why Eat What does the hypothalamus do How do Hormones affect hunger What does composition of meals have to do with hunger What are the 4 influences on food availability What are some factors that affect person s food choices Human Health What are the 6 classes of nutrients What is an example of a food that has all of the 6 nutrients What is a calorie How do you measure calories How many kcals are in protein carb fat and alcohol Have to Hunger Want to Social reasons appetite stress habit Causes Hunger Processes nerve signals Cortisol stress hormone Leptin from fat tissue Neuropeptide Y from hypothalamus Dietary fiber and water are more filling Causing the stomach to expand Natural Environment Technology Economics Population Comfort foods heritage weight control advertising prevent disease Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Vitamins Minerals Water Milk The amount of heat energy needed to raise the temp of one kg of water by 1 degree By a bomb calorimeter Protein has 4 Carb has 4 Fat has 9 Alcohol has 7 Phytochemicals in the pigment of fruits veggies Adequacy Balance Moderation Variety Calorie Control Nutrient Content Calories A food rich in nutrients but low in cals What units are vitamins and minerals in Milligrams Micrograms What are beneficial non nutrients and where are they found What are the characteristics of a nutritious diet What is the formula for nutrient density Nutrition Physiology What are the 5 levels of body organization And define What does the nucleus do What does the Mitochondrion do What does the Golgi complex do What does the ribosome do What does the ER do Plasma Membrane Lysosome Membrane Receptors Cytoplasm What are the 4 types of tissues What are the parts functions of Integumentary Skeletal Muscular System Nervous Endocrine Cardiovascular Lymphatic Cells Tissues group of cells performing a function Organs group of tissues performing a function Systems group of organs Organism Control Center Contains DNA Supply ATP Package Protein synthesis Channels Smooth cholesterol synthesis and fat metabolism Rough Protein Production Regulates what enters leaves cell House Keeper Proteins on outside of cell that detect signals Fluid and organelles between nucleus and membrane Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous Skin hair nails sweat glands Provides covering maintains temp excretes salts urea Bones Joints Ligaments Cartilage Provides support protection Skeletal Muscles Movement high energy nutrients req Brain Spine Nerves Receptors Sensation Interpretation Integration Glands pituitary thyroid adrenal pancreas Secrete hormones that help control body activities like growth and reprod Heart Blood Vessels Blood Transports nutrients and oxygen around the body Lymph vessels nodes spleen tonsils Returns fluid to blood defense against pathogens Respiratory Digestive Urinary What is digestion How does saliva aid in digestion What are the 2 enzymes in saliva How does the esophagus aid in digestion What does the liver do What does the stomach produce What does the stomach do Where are secretions that are active in the small intestine produced What do villi do What do capillaries and lymph vessels do in the small intestine What happens in the colon What ends up in the large intestine What digests the fiber in the large intestine What does fiber do Lungs Passages Takes in O secretes CO Mouth Esophagus Stomach Intestines Takes in breaks down absorbs excretes Kidney Bladder Ducts Excretes waste as urine and regulates body water acid base balance of blood Break down of food components into small enough structures to facilitate absorption Both Mechanical Chemical Moistens food making easier to chew and dissolves food chemicals so we can taste Amylase breaks down starch into polysaccharides Lipase breaks down fat Triglycerides into fatty acids mono and di glycerides Mechanical only peristaltic movement Produces bile which is stored in the gallbladder Hcl and pepsin Grind Churn food Amylase is inactivated lipase is active Uncoils protein strands into polypeptides Pancreas Amylase that breaks down polysaccharides into smaller ones Lipase takes emulsified fat and makes monoglycerides Intestine breaks down maltose sucrose and lactose into monosaccharaides glucose fructose galactose Liver takes fat and makes emulsified fat Increase surface area for absorption secrete mucous Carry away water soluble nutrients and lipid matter Reabsorbs water and minerals Microflora ferments Most of the fiber Bacterial enzymes which make fatty acids and gas Hold water regulate BM bind cholesterol and carry out of the body What do carbs yield What do fats yield Protein Fiber Dietary Guidelines Why is it a problem that 65 of Americans are obese What is DRI What are the four tools What is RDA What is EAR What is AI What is UL What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans What does the Dietary Guideline suggest According to my plate what are the ratios of nutrients Carbohydrates What is type 2 diabetes Glucose fructose galactose Fatty acids monoglycerides and cholesterol Amino acids Binds cholesterol some minerals and volatile fatty acids increases chronic illness decrease in economic military productivity Dietary Reference intake 4 tools that provide dietary guidelines for americans RDA EAR AI UL Recommended Dietary Allowance Levels of nutrient intake to meet needs of 90 of people Consume less than 2 3 at risk for deficientcy Estimated Average Requirement Amount that means optimal nutrient needs for half the individuals Adequate Intake same as RDA but lacking scientific evidnce to set an RDA calcium Upper Limit Total intake should not exceed this or health affects may result Basis for Federal Nutrition Policy 23 recommendations for the general population 6 for sub pops Maintain calorie balance Focus on comusming nutrient dense food Fat is 20 35 CHO is 45 65 Protein is 10 35 Characterized by insulin resistance the insulin is there but it doesn t work to foster glucose uptake by the cells Occurs later in life adult onset Know Blood Glucose Values Know Complications of Diabetes Know difference between HDL and LDL Regular 100mg dl or less Prediabetes 100 125 mg dl Diabetic 125 mg dL Blindness Kidney Disease Heart Disease Nerve Damage Increased Infections Amputation of limbs Fatty acids make it soluble in fat Used to assess risk of heart disease Total cholesterol LDLs associated with increased risk Less healthy want low More lipid less protein associated with decreased risk HDLs Healthy want high Less lipid
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