Anaphase Chromosomes are pulled apart Anaphase I Homologous pairs pulled apart to opposite sides of cell by spindle fibers Asexual Reproduction Creating a new organism without exchanging genetic material Binary fission Splitting in two Budding Grow a new cell and then pinch it off yeast polyps Centromere Region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together Chiasmata Chromatid Where the homologous chromosomes overlap Long loopy part of chromosome One of two identical parts of a duplicated chromosome Chromatin Just chillin DNA Chromosome Ready to go DNA Crossing over Cytokineses Exchanging a segment of genetic information where the chromosomes overlap Splitting of cytoplasm In animals cleavage furrow In animals build new cell wall called division plate Diploid Two sets of chromosomes Haploid One set of chromosomes Homologous Two chromosomes one from each parent that has the same gene in the same place In humans 23 pairs Interphase Cell is just chillin Chromatin duplicates Cells are in this phase most of the time Kinetochore Meiosis Where spindle fibers attach to the chromosome Creates sperm egg Diploid to haploid Metaphase Chromosomes line up in the middle Look for spider legs in plant cells Metaphase I Pairs of homologous chromosomes line up in the middle Mitosis Oogenesis Division of nucleus Creates two identical cells diploid to diploid Four stages Prophase metaphase anaphase telophase Process of making ovum egg Parthenogenesis Development of egg without fertilization some reptiles insects bees Prophase Chromatin to chromosomes nuclear envelope disappears spindle fibers appear Prophase I Synapsis Homologous chromosomes pair up Crossing over may occur Spermatogenesis Process of making sperm Telophase Telophase I Vegetative propagation Prophase in reverse Nuclear membrane reforms chromosomes back to chromatin spindle fibers disappear Cell splits and repeats the cycle to create four haploid cells Branch of plant grows new roots
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