Chapter 3 What is politics influence Game Theory Politics is a subset of human behavior that involves the use of power or Power is involved when people can t accomplish their goals w o o Trying to influence o Trying to wrestle free of the influence o game is a situation in which a individual ability to achieve his goals depends on the choices made by other players o players set of possible choices to make o strategy for playing the game is a complete plan of action that specifies what a player would do under every possible circumstance o to solve you have to identify the strategies that a rational decision Nash equilibrium is set of strategies such that no player has a incentive to unilaterally switch to another prisoners dilemma individuals pursuit of self interest leads to a state affairs less preferred by all players Game theory is a tool not a theory Exit accept that there has been deleterious change in your environment and alter your behavior to achieve best outcome Voice use your voice ex protest Loyalty accept the changes that are occurring in your environment When is behavior political o Voice requires influence and in order to change behavior politics come in when voice is used o The decision to respond is a political decision
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