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FINAL EXAM Questions To Ponder The Ever Changing Food Supply 1 How can we make our diets more environmentally sustainable Eating foods that are locally grown not processed saving energy and better for the environment eating less meat or meat that is locally raised and fed grass instead of grain reduce reuse recycle 2 What are the requirements of the USDA Certified Organic designation Are organic foods 100 free of pesticides Are organic foods more nutritious than conventional foods What are some ways that people can reduce the amount of pesticides that they consume besides eating only organic foods Requirements prohibits use of toxic and persistent chemicals in favor of more earth friendly practices such as crop rotation cover crops releasing beneficial insects and adding composted manure field must be free of synthetic pesticides for 3 years using proper manure composting techniques animals must be given fully organic feed no antibiotics or growth hormones No they might not be 100 free of pesticides because they are in the environment No they are neither higher in vitamins or minerals than non organic products Reduction of pesticides can be accomplished by washing foods 3 What are the requirements for a manufacturer to use the terms 100 organic organic and made with organic ingredients on their package labels 100 organic ONLY organically produced ingredients Organic 95 organically produced ingredients Made with organic ingredients 70 organic ingredients 4 What are some reasons that people choose organic foods Reasons less damage to the soil water and air from conventional farming there are health consequences of pesticides on food and the environment and people are concerned about GM foods 5 What is the difference between a organic food and local food b organic agriculture and sustainable agriculture a Organic food has passed all of the requirements to have the organic label meaning that do not contain toxic chemicals and the farmers use practices that are environmentally friendly Local food many times follows these same practices yet has not reached out to the government due to a variety of reasons usually financial therefore does not have the organic label b Organic agriculture differs from sustainable agriculture because many of the sustainable practices are not required for organic certification such as cultivating bird populations planting plants to attract beneficial insects use of NO pesticides even the natural organic ones use of solar power and the gathering of rain water 6 What are some of the benefits of buying local foods Benefits of buying local food include freshness and taste nutrient content may be higher and it supports the local economy 7 What is biotechnology genetic engineering What are the uses of biotechnology What is a transgenic or GM crop What are some of the crops in the US that are grown using biotechnology Biotechnology GE involves the manipulation of the DNA of an organism to alter it Uses improves the production and yield of many foods more resistant to pests climate herbicide and pathogens decrease the cost increase the shelf life improve nutritional content and enhancing the taste Examples soybeans and cotton are the most widely grown GE plants followed by insect resistant cotton and corn 8 What are some concerns about biotechnology What is outcrossing Why doesn t the FDA require that products using biotechnology be labeled as such Concerns outcrossing disruption of natural ecosystems and the creation of new diseases and allergies Outcrossing is the introduction of unrelated genetic material into the breeding line which creates more genetic diversity which can increase the number of crops that carry a recessive trait for a disease GM foods do not need to be labeled because they are 100 safe and there is no need for these crops to go through a whole process of being labeled if they do not have to 9 Why is bovine growth hormone used Why do humans not absorb active bovine growth hormone Is all milk in the US from cows that are treated with bovine growth hormone Can organic milk be labeled as bovine growth hormone free Why or why not Bovine growth hormone is used to increase milk production in cows increase their lean tissue and decrease their feed requirement Humans do not absorb the active bovine growth hormone because it is destroyed during the pasteurization process No not all milk in the US comes from cows treated with bovine growth hormone No milk cannot be labeled bovine growth hormone free because cows produce this naturally 10 What is cloning Does the FDA require labeling of products from clones or their offspring Cloning produces an animal that is identical to the parent no new genes are added into them No no label is required for cloned animals because it is as safe as milk or meat from conventional animals International Nutrition 1 What is the relationship between malnutrition and infection This has been seen as an ongoing cycle malnutrition starts with a lack of enough food or low quality food This impairs immunity due to inadequate protein vitamin A C zinc etc Infection then develops and continues due to unsanitary living conditions and a lack of immunization medical care Due to infection there is impaired nutrition because of the inability to consume absorb acquire or purchase adequate food going back to malnutrition Treating infection without improving nutritional status does not reverse this cycle 2 Describe the theory of the early origins of chronic disease Evolutionarily those who have the thrifty gene are less able to adapt metabolically to the excess sugar and fat in the diet these people also have reduced physical activity 3 What is the nutrition translation We live in a society now where people have more money to buy sweets and other things that are outside what they are able to grow Nutrition transition is from eating food that we grow to eating food that is high in fat and sugar Humans prefer foods that are rich in sugar and fat because they are useful for survival during cycles of feast and famine 4 What are the big four nutritional problems in the world Describe each What are the causes for each What are the symptoms of each Protein Energy Malnutrition not enough protein and or poor quality protein leading to kwashiorkor moon face edema flaky paint dermatitis apathy or when there is not enough consumption of calories this leads to marasmus Iron Deficiency Anemia a reduction in hemoglobin hematocrit and the number of RBC

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