Study Guide Chapter 4 1 What is an organic compound It has carbon 2 What characteristic of carbon allows it to form diverse molecules Its versatile because it can form 4 bonds 3 What are the four major atomic components of organic molecules 4 What is a hydrocarbon What is one key feature of hydrocarbons 5 In what ways can the carbon skeleton of molecules vary from one another 6 What is an isomer a are molecules with the same chemical formula but different structural spatial arrangements 7 List and describe sketch the three types of isomers a 8 Why are chemical groups and functional groups important Different structure different function even though same chemical make up 9 plus methyl group a Phosphate is only group with a charge associated with it PO42 b Look at slides need to be able to identify write draw them 10 11 Sketch the following functional groups hydroxyl carbonyl carboxyl sulfhydryl phosphate methyl and amino
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