TAMU BIOL 111 - Blueprint Ch 1
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Rebecca Davenport BIO 1406 BW1 Wednesday 10 35 11 50am 12 00 1 15pm 9 5 2016 Chapter 1 blue print 1 Biology the study of life a 7 characteristics of lifei Order ii evolutionary adaption iii respond to stimuli iv regulation v energy processing vi growth and development vii reproduction viii b Biological organization from zoomed out to zoomed in i Biosphere ii Ecosystem iii Communities iv Populations v Organisms vi organs and organ systems vii cells viii organelles ix atoms x molecules c The study of life can be divided into different levels of biological organization i Reductionism zooming in reduces complex systems to simpler components that are more manageable to study ii Emergent Properties zooming out new properties that arise due to arrangement and interactions of parts as complexity increases d Evolution the process of change that has transformed life on earth i The core theme of biology e Domains of lifei Archea bacteria and eukarya ii 2 Scientific methodi Observation ii Question iii Research iv Hypothesis a proposed explanation for a natural phenomenon v Experiment vi Analysis vii Report results b Theory broader than a hypothesis and is supported by a large body of evidence c Inquiry is the search for information and explanation d Types of reasoningi Inductive Reasoning draws conclusions via large number of specific observations 1 Repeated specific observations can lead to important generalizations 2 Helps us come up with the hypothesis ii Deductive Reasoning is used to test the idea or hypothesis e Datai Qualitative descriptive ii Quantitative s 3 Charles Darwin a Theory of natural selection b Decent from modification reflects inheritance from a common ancestor c Prototype mammal from which all mammals descended d

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TAMU BIOL 111 - Blueprint Ch 1

Type: Chapter Summary
Pages: 2
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