TAMU INST 210 - Using your skills

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INST 210 1st Edition Lecture 28 Outline of Last Lecture I Defining GT II Terms trends and theories III Thinking tendencies Outline of Current Lecture I Overview of class content II What you have to know III Using your skills IV 12 categories of IDEA V How students receive services VI Response to intervention VII Steps in the referral process Current Lecture I Overview of class content Legal requirements Individual student characteristics Evidence based practices resources II What you have to know Legal requirements regarding disability Basic understanding of exceptionalities Knowledge of evidence based practices Appropriate accommodations and modifications Knowledge of resources human media The IEP process III Using your skills To teach diverse learners Interact with individuals with exceptionalities To be an advocate for education for all children Share information with parents and family members Teachers are often the 1 resource for disability information and parents can be too IV 12 categories of IDEA 1 Autism 2 Deaf blind 3 Deafness 4 Emotional disturbance These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Hearing impairment Intellectual disability Multiple disabilities Orthopedic impairment Other health impairment Specific learning disability Speech or language impairment Traumatic brain injury Visual impairment including blindness V How students receive services IDEA have to have an educational need Section 504 FAPE Broad civil rights act Ages 3 21 Person with a disability Disability categories educational need Physical or mental impairment that impacts major life activity Provides services Removal of barriers IEP 504 plan Funding for services No funding VI Response to intervention Multi level prevention system in the general education system which provides universal screening progress monitoring and data based decision making Positive behavioral support is the most common tier 1 intervention in Texas VII Steps in Referral Process Implement pre referral intervention Refer for testing Obtain parent permission Evaluate the child Determine eligibility and services Schedule IEP meeting Hold IEP meeting and write IEP Provide services Monitor progress Review the IEP every year Re evaluate child every 3 years

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TAMU INST 210 - Using your skills

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