UA KIN 300 - Guest Speaker Final Exam Questions
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KIN 300 1st Edition Lecture 25 Outline of Last Lecture II Guest Speaker Notes Outline of Current Lecture III Guest Speaker Notes a Final exam questions Current Lecture KIN 300 Guest Speaker Final Exam Questions 1 What was Dr Woodruff s favorite curriculum model for PE classes a Sport education model 2 Features of sport ed structure of program and different roles for children during PE classes a seasons b affiliations c competitions d event e festivities f records 3 Why do we have competitions in PE classes a teach kids to value sportsmanship socially capable b get kids excited about sport thereby physical activity in general enthusiastic c all kids can participate equally ie inclusion competent 4 Hugely important factor to consider when teaching PE classes a all activities are developmentally appropriate 5 What s the preferred source of fuel for the body a complex carbohydrates 6 What is the only accredited food and nutrition professional a registered dietician 7 What s the optimal glucose level to hydrate during performance a 7 8 What are the two types of nutrients a macro and micro 9 7 Factors to determine daily caloric needs a age b height c weight These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute d past medical history e activity level f knowledge of training g schedule 10 Calories per gram for each macronutrient a carbs 4 b fat 9 c protein 4 11 What percentage of each macronutrient do you need per day a protein 10 15 b carbs 55 65 c fats 20 30 12 How do you become certified in strength and conditioning a NSCA national strength conditioning association b ACSM American college of sports medicine 13 What percentage breakdown determines your fitness aspirations capabilities a 60 genetic b 40 how you train 14 How often do you have to renew your strength and conditioning license a every 3 years 15 In order to train for the specificity of a sport as a strength and conditioning coach you need to know a what level the exact sporting requirements the background of the athlete 16 What s a big difference between a sports medicine doctor and an orthopedist a ortho performs surgery while sports med does not 17 What s the most difficult professional school to gain admittance into a PT school competitive 18 What is sports medicine a the whole medical care of an athlete individual beginning with pre injury rehabilitation and post injury care 19 Who makes up the team that cares for an athlete a Lists many look in notes 20 What did Chris Wise describe as the most important quality in a good PT a someone who is hands on with patients 21 When applying to PT school what is the 1 factor considered a Combined Science GPA 22 Different PT settings in which one could work a Hospitals in patient b collegiate sport c nursing homes d home health e outpatient clinic 23 Better to do your PT internship at one clinic or multiple a multiple 24 Most important factor in obtaining a job post PT school a Rotations while in school 25 1 Piece of advice from John Vincent a do something that you are passionate about 26 Different occupations in sports management a Many list is in notes

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UA KIN 300 - Guest Speaker Final Exam Questions

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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