BIO 150 1nd Edition Exam 3 Study Guide Lectures 17 24 Lecture 17 2 26 Why do we research inheritance 1 Diseases are inherited therefore to stop inherited diseases from being carried to their offspring 2 Study what traits are best for environments and what is an adapted trait 3 To find patterns in inheritance 4 To control breeding pertaining to animals Limitations Hard to find cures for diseases because most diseases are controlled by multiple genes Chromosomes DNA wrapped around proteins DNA is therefore wrapped into chromosomes Sperm and Egg each have a haploid set of DNA chromosomes Diploid haploid from mother haploid from father Lecture 18 2 28 Sexual Reproduction Produce haploid gametes through meiosis Fertilization fusing haploid gametes to form a diploid zygote Mitotic divisions to make many diploid cells that will differentiate and develop a new organism Meiosis making haploid gametes Meiosis explains Mendel s principals of segregation and independent assortment Members of gene pair alleles segregate into different gametes Alleles for different genes sort independently of each other into gametes Lecture 19 3 03 Recombination holds homologues together paired Frequency of recombinant offspring correlated directly with the distance between two genes 19 6 recombinant offspring for example translates to 19 6 map units Non mendelian genetics Linked genes do not sort 9 3 3 1 Linked genes tend to be inherited together and do not sort independently into gametes Most genes have multiple alleles Most traits are controlled by many genes Example Wheat kernel color is a quantitative trait Wheat kernel color is controlled by at least three genes Most traits are controlled by genes and environment With environment referring to age size diet medications area etc Lecture 20 3 05 There are three typed of muscle 1 Skeletal muscle voluntary 2 Cardiac muscle involuntary 3 Smooth muscle involuntary The heart is essential for circulation of blood carrying oxygen nutrients and wastes The heart pumps blood through a vessel system of arteries veins and capillaries The heart is essentially two pumps sending blood to the lungs or systematically Left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle because the left ventricle has to pump the blood throughout the whole body while the right simply pumps it to the heart Electrical signals tell cardiac muscle cells to contract Lecture 21 3 07 Meiosis DNA replication occurs before meiosis takes place 1 Homologous chromosomes pair 2 Crossing over paired their crossing over spindle elongated 3 Microtubules capture chromosomes first arrange on equator 4 Sisters still together homologue go to separate poles 5 Another mitotic division elongated no spindle 6 Spindle forming 7 Sisters align at the equator 8 Chromosomes separate 9 Form new nuclear envelope Lecture 22 3 17 Recombination Uses 1 Map gene order on a chromosome 2 Distances on the chromosome Crossing over occurs more between genes that are far apart Distance affects recombination rates Genes that are close together are unlikely to cross over Therefore if a disease is caused by an allele that is not yet been discovered one should 1 Run tests on the family members who are also diagnosed with the same disease and see their allele that is malfunctioning 2 Run tests on family members who are not diagnosed with the disease Lecture 23 3 19 Genetics sequence specific genes for mutation known to cause specific disease can be associated with the risk of disease Genomic looks through your whole genome and tries to figure out everything it can tell us sequencing everything Y chromosome responsible for maleness X chromosome no specific association with sex or gender
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