Academic Excellence Showcase Thursday May 28 Two points credit for each talk you attend in Earth Science sessions Atmospheric Circulation Climate 8 11 and 1 4 30 in NS 103 9 11 in NS 218 1 4 point credit for every Earth Science poster you investigate in the Pacific Room of Werner Center Must submit worksheets summaries and attendance tickets of each talk or poster for credit Link to worksheets instructions and proceedings http www wou edu brownk ES106 AcademicExcellenceShowcase 2009 pdf Global circulation Earth Science Chapter 20 Pages 560 573 Ocean circulation Jan and July temps World climate map Koppen Climate System http weathersavvy com Q Deserts1 html Values used for Koppen System Overall temperature Evaporation compared to precipitation Absolute rainfall Rainfall distribution Extreme temperature A tropical wet monsoon dry w s B dry desert steppe low mid latitude C humid mid latitude mild winter wet summer dry summer west coast D humid mid latitude severe winter E polar tundra ice cap H highland modified version of local lowland area cooler moister 1 Af Tropical rainforest A Tropical climates A Climatic diagrams NEVER COLD Rain forest always wet Monsoon extreme seasonal rainfall Savannah very dry months Monsoon Climate Aw Tropical Savannah http www freewebs com scienceandsociety summermonsoonpdem2 gif Subtropical desert B Dry climates B Cilmate Diagrams EVAPORATION POTENTIAL EXCEEDS PRECIPITATION Desert has more evaporation compared to rainfall than steppe Low latitude deserts always warm Mid latitude deserts can be quite cold http www gerber travel ch Tours libya 1999 5 htm 2 World climate map Worldwide arid zones Sub tropical Steppe http os inf tu dresden de nf2 nz farewell Mid latitude steppe http 61966 rapidforum com topic 101082217975 C Mild mid latitude climate Cold desert http www asphalto org user id 907 PHPSESSID a55 C Climate Diagrams Humid wet summer http www us parks com images everglades national park plantlife of everglades p 3629 m jpg World climate map MILD WINTER Humid Hot warm summer Marine west coastal climate is a unique subdivision that extends far poleward of other mild climates 3 Midlatitude humid continental Marine west coast Midlatitude humid continental http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook biogeography biomes midlatitude forests page 1 html D Severe mid latitude http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook climate systems marine west coast html http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook biogeography biomes midlatitude forests page 1 html D Climate Diagrams World climate map Tundra E Polar climate SEVERE WINTERS Humid continental cold winter Subarctic not warm in summer Taiga TOO COLD FOR TREES Tundra some month is above freezing Ice cap no months are above freezing 4 E Climate Diagrams Ice cap climate H compared to adjacent climate http www uwsp edu geo faculty ritter geog101 textbook climate systems icecap html World climate map Lowland adjacent to H Highland Modified version of local climate Cooler moister Highland difference Components of climate Academic Excellence Showcase Thursday May 28 Two points credit for each talk you attend in Earth Science sessions 8 11 and 1 4 30 in NS 103 9 11 in NS 218 1 4 point credit for every Earth Science poster you investigate in the Pacific Room of Werner Center Must submit worksheets summaries and attendance tickets of each talk or poster for credit Link to worksheets instructions and proceedings http www wou edu brownk ES106 AcademicExcellenceShowcase 2009 pdf 5
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