Coastal Processes Moon and Sun Relations Reading in Earth Science Chapter 15 p 415 429 Chapter 21 p 600 604 Chapter 16 443 448 Coastal zones Wave terms water path Orbital movement of toy boat Breakers form Coastal erosion of boulders Undercut cliff BC Undercut cliff Laguna CA Wave refraction Beach drift Wave cut platform uplifted terrace Arch and stack Baja Baymouth bar spit Martha s Vineyard Barrier islands North Carolina Barrier islands south Texas Coastal evolution Arch forms on headland Sea arch Stack tombolo Tombolo Eroded coastline features Spit Stilt houses Beach groins Sussex Breakwater Santa Monica New Jersey seawall Miami no beach Miami beach Beach nourishment Miami Lighthouse moving Submergent coastline Bay of Fundy High Tide Bay of Fundy Low Tide Bay of Fundy Tidal Bulge Tide terms Flood tide Ebb tide Plane of the Ecliptic Plane of the Ecliptic Spring Tide Neap Tide Tide terms Flood tide Ebb tide Spring tide Neap tide Tidal Patterns Tidal Bulge Tidal landform features Plane of the Ecliptic Plane of the Ecliptic Sun incidence Sun Angle Equator Sun Angle Mid Latitude Sun Angle High Latitude Sun Angle with Latitude Sun incidence Equinox and Solstice Solar latitudes Highest Sun Lowest Sun Midnight Sun Daylight at Solar latitudes Monthly Temperatures vs Latitude
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