Oceanography Thompson Research Vessel Polar views of Earth Distribution of Land and Water Diagram of land water by latitude World map showing land water distribution Progress in research vessels HMS Challenger Kilo Moana Sonar process single beam Sonar process multibeam and sidescan Sea floor landforms California Seismic data and interpretation Satellite Altimeter Atlantic oceanic ridge Pacific and Indian Ocean Floor H ES106 PowerPoint AN12 001 mov Atlantic Ocean Floor Collection of sea floor sediment cores Sea floor sediment Derived from land terra Terrigenous Composed of sand silt and clay Derived from organisms biota Biogenous Composed of shells and skeletons of marine animals and plants Direct precipitation from sea water hydro Hydrogenous Salts calcium carbonate metal oxides metal sulfides near sea floor hot springs Plankton Marine Sediment distribution Offshore oil platform Methane Hydrate sample Methane Hydrate burning Salt production Manganese Nodules Atlantic oceanic ridge Passive Continental Margin Continental shelf Continental slope Continental rise Passive continental Margin location Passive continental Margin cross section Deep sea sediment fans Turbidity current Discovery of Turbidity Currents Sea floor landforms California Active Continental Margins Narrow continental shelf Deep sea trench catches terrigenous sediment Accretionary Wedge Active continental Margin location Active continental Margin cross section Deep Ocean Trenches Active continental margins Other convergent plate locations Most are in the Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Floor Pacific and Indian Ocean Floor Kaiko ROV 10 911 m 1995 Lost in 2003 7000 m capable replacement in 2004 Kaiko systems http www jamstec go jp e about equipment ships kaiko7000 html Kaiko on sea bed http seawifs gsfc nasa gov OCEAN PLANET HTML kaiko html Challenger Deep shrimp http www mext go jp english news 1998 07 980705 htm Convergent Lithospheric Plates Oceanic plate is subducted Deep ocean trench is formed Volcanism above subducted plate Atoll formation Atoll Oceanic Plateaus Figure 10 19 Oceanic Plateaus Pacific Lithosphere Action http www soc soton ac uk CHD classroom sea carlsberg science oceanic constr html Oceanic Ridge Atlantic Oceanic Ridge Indian Oceanic Ridge Pacific Oceanic plate divergence http www soc soton ac uk CHD classroom sea carlsberg science constructive margins html Rift valleys on oceanic ridges Formation of Black Smoker http www paedquest de Riff Tiefsee Mangroven neu tiefsee content geobsm01 html Alvin Manned 4000 m maximum depth
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