WOU ES 106 - Exam Guide

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ES 106 Study Guide for Exam 1 Karen Brown In addition to reading the textbook and using this study guide be sure to study your review questions and the in class activities Formation of solar system nebular hypothesis planet makeup Geosphere compositional divisions what divides how thick divisions based on physical properties what divides how thick Lithosphere plates that move character of boundaries continental vs oceanic Features of ocean basins abyssal plains deep ocean trenches oceanic ridges Features of continents young mountain belts two know them stable platform and continental shield what distinguishes these two Elements of Earth s crust know eight most common order of abundance of top five weight percent of top two type of most common minerals formed Atom three fundamental subatomic particles characteristics of each Structure of the atom nucleus with electron shells Periodic table arranged on structure and properties Know what periodic table can tell you Valence electrons of shells of electrons Water molecule polar bent covalent bonds Unique properties of water due to hydrogen bonding high specific heat capacity 1 calorie per gram to raise temperature 1o C expands upon freezing high heat of vaporization dissolves ionic substances polar nature of molecule high surface tension Heat movement of molecular kinetic energy from substance with higher temperature to substance with lower temperature Temperature measure of hotness Fahrenheit scale water freezing 32o F boiling 212o F Celsius scale water freezing 0o C boiling 100o C Kelvin scale absolute zero 0 water freezing 273 K boiling 373 K o Heat measured in calories cal or joules J 1 calorie heat energy raises 1 gram water 1 degree Celsius 4 184 joules 1 calorie o Most substances expand w heat transfer to them and contract on heat loss Water contracts with loss of heat until 4 o C Begins to expand slightly until 0 o C Expands 9 upon freezing Contracts after freezing slightly Know natural implications of this phenomenon Specific heat capacity Rock soil specific heat capacity about 1 5 of water Water defines calorie higher than many substances Moderates temperature of regions Marine influence keeps temperatures mild Desert continental areas less water wider temperature fluctuations Metals have specific heat capacity about 1 8 of water Heat of water Condensation Evaporation 540 calories per gram 2254 joules gram Freezing Melting 80 calories per gram 334 joules gram Be able to calculate heat transferred in temperature change and phase change Boiling is a cooling process 100o C at sea level pressure More at elevated pressures Less at reduced pressures Pollution Greatest source organic wastes from sewage and agriculture runoff Problems methane algal bloom depleting oxygen Solution keep raw effluent out of water Additional sources include metals from industry acid drainage from mining petroleum derivatives solvents pesticides paints Concentrations may be harmful in parts per million range know how to calculate parts per million Water distribution 97 in sea of remaining is ice most rest is groundwater Evaporation precipitation percents over sea and land Runoff contains natural and mad caused impurities Atmospheric sources what why Land sources natural what why Contamination what why prevention measures Less than of water stored on land is fresh liquid water as groundwater Aquifer and aquitard know definitions differences Water table position fluctuation Springs With respect to water table Geysers created by addition of heat to water Oceanography Sediments Terrigenous from land sand and gravel abyssal clay Biogenous from organisms dominates where high biologic activity Calcareous dissolves below 4500 m silicic does not Hydrogenous from water evaporites nodules metal sulfides Ocean basins Three types of provinces know them continental margin two types know features lithosphere interaction ocean basin floor features formation oceanic ridge features lithospheric plate interaction resources energy petroleum shelf deposits methane hydrate others metal sulfides sand and gravel evaporites Sea water What accounts for differences in salinity How does temperature affect the density of sea water Describe the reason for and the path of the thermohaline conveyor circulation Ocean circulation Be able to locate California Kuroshio Equatorial Gulf Stream and West Wind Drift currents on a map and identify the general temperature of each What does the Gulf Stream bring to Cornwall Sea life most derives energy from photosynthesis directly or by eating Classifications of sea life plankton nekton benthos pelagic abyssal Distribution controlled by what two major factors Coastal area Headland erosion and inlet deposition of sediment Erosional and depositional features Types of coastal stabilization and the implication of their construction Tides what causes them what do they produce names of extreme tides and minimal tides What is an estuary and how is it formed Earth s relation to Sun Axial tilt leads to seasons solstice and equinox know details and dates of these and general relation of latitude to day length Know names of special circles of Earth s surface defined by Sun relation How does Earth s relation to Sun affect temperature Why

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