Jon Ahlquist Review of chap 15 Hurricanes What is the latitudinal range of the tropics p 406 What characterizes seasons in the tropics p 406 What is the typical wind direction in the tropics p 406 Roughly what is the diameter of a mature hurricane Use Hurricane Elena as an example p 406 col 2 What is the eye of a hurricane p 406 Roughly how wide is the eye of a hurricane p 406 What is the name for the region of intense thunderstorms surrounding the eye p 407 What part of a hurricane has the fastest winds and the most intense rainfall p 407 Hurricanes Where do hurricanes form fig 15 7 fig 15 10 What is a tropical wave Why do they travel easterly From which continent do Atlantic tropical waves originate p 406 What are the 2 main theories about how hurricanes are driven class lecture What sequence of events occurs as a hurricane forms and ultimately dissipates pp 412 413 What is the minimum wind speed for a hurricane p 412 Hurricanes What is the typical lifetime of a hurricane lecture Name two factors that can kill a hurricane lecture If Atlantic hurricanes stay over water where do they usually go which results in their death Why do they move in that direction p 414 On what side of a hurricane are the fastest hurricane winds found class lecture When a hurricane comes on shore which area relative to the storm s center the eye gets the most rain Why class lecture 9 6 2006 Review of chap 15 Hurricanes Hurricanes Is air rising or sinking in the eye p 408 If one hurricane has a smaller eye than a second hurricane which one likely has the faster winds Why discussed in lecture What is the eye wall p 407 Where are the most intense thunderstorms and fastest winds found in a hurricane p 407 Describe the structure of a hurricane beyond the eye wall p 407 column 2 p 408 Hurricanes MET1010 Intro to the Atmosphere List three conditions that must be met in the atmosphere and ocean for a hurricane to form p 410 col 1 Roughly how warm does the ocean have to be for a hurricane to form p 410 col 1 What does converge mean Example p 410 col 1 For a mass of unorganized thunderstorms to develop into a hurricane the surface winds must converge Many if not most Atlantic hurricanes can be traced back to what kind of trigger p 410 col 2 What does storm surge mean What is its importance Which side of a hurricane has the worst storm surge pp 417 418 Do tornadoes ever occur in hurricanes p 418 Over 1800 deaths are attributed to Hurricane Katrina but what disaster also a hurricane was the biggest killer in the US history p 423 col 1 What hurricane anywhere is known to have killed the most people p 423 col 1 What is the name of the system used to rank hurricane strength pp 424 425 Is it possible for hurricanes in different years to have the same name p 426 1 Jon Ahlquist 9 6 2006 Hurricanes What is storm surge p 418 When a hurricane makes landfall which area will experience the fastest winds Highest sea level Most rain lecture What is the direction of the low level winds for a Northern Hemisphere hurricane What about upper level winds p 408 fig 15 3 What is the name of the scale that assigns a number to the strength of a hurricane pp 424 425 What numerical categories of hurricanes are regarded as major hurricanes p 424 col 2 What causes most of the damage from a hurricane How often do tornadoes occur with hurricanes MET1010 Intro to the Atmosphere 2
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