JC ENG 131 - Syllabus

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English 131 Section 31 Writing Experience JCC WA 210 Wednesday 6 8 53pm Instructor Finch Roberts robertsfinch classes jccmi edu Fall 2008 TEXTS Faigley Lester Writing a Guide for College and Beyond 2007 The Brief Penguin Handbook All students enrolled in a writing course are required to complete 16 hours of additional practice in composition called Guided Practice Activities and Workshops GPAW in addition to the regular course work Since GPAW activities closely correspond to the assigned essays students are expected to complete assigned workshops at the times specified on the course calendar No more than 8 hours will be accepted after the midpoint of the semester Learn Enjoy ATTENDANCE Attendance is vital Strong attendance demonstrates a commitment to learning and respect toward classmates and the instructor 0 times absent student bonus 1 2 times absent even 3 times absent drop one whole grade 4 times absent drop two whole grades 5 times absent drop three whole grades 6 times absent Fail GRADING Contract System attached Portfolio 30 Essays Drafts Revisions 40 10 essay GPAW hours 25 Instructor Discretion 15 Process Product In this course you will practice the essential details that contribute to the development of an interesting unified organized essay of substance For every assignment you will need to be aware of purpose voice and audience all of which we will discuss Because the use of grammar punctuation and mechanics are essential to effective written English you will need to pay careful attention to these matters English 131 course goals and objectives include specific Associate Degree Outcomes ADO s established by the JCC Board of Trustees administration and faculty These goals are in concert with four year colleges and universities and reflect input from the professional communities we serve ADO s guarantee students achieve goals necessary for graduation credit transferability and professional skills needed in many certification programs The ADO s addressed in this course are ADO 1 Writing clearly concisely and intelligibly Proficient Level ADO 9 Working in small groups Proficient Level The course load includes 4 essays of 3 4 MLA pages each plus 16 Hours GPAW There will be in class process oriented assignments as well as group activities Your work in this class is governed by the JCC plagiarism policy Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the office of Learning Support Services at 787 0800 extension 8270 8553 as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion NOTES ETIQUETTE Drafts and revisions of both GPAW assignments and essays may drop 2 full grades for each class session late Meet the deadlines Do not eat in class Feel free to enjoy a beverage pull spout top only Cell phones are detrimental to the learning environment and are forbidden No incomplete granted for this class Instructor reserves the right to count students absent for leaving early or arriving late Excused absences may change to unexcused absences at anytime especially if absences become routine Save all your work The ability to demonstrate kindness is revered in this class Contract Guidelines For a grade of 2 0 C 1 Meet the attendance requirements 2 Complete the 16 Hours of GPAW assignments designated 3 Complete 4 essays working drafts and revisions at a 2 5 level of quality 4 Participate in the conferences and presentations 5 Keep an informal class journal comprised of free writes notes video notes and any other in class assignments 6 Keep a peer review list for each of the 4 essay groups 7 Submit portfolios with intro grade justification Finch JCC requirements portfolio 8 Score 70 or better on mid term final For a grade of 3 0 B 1 Meet the requirements of the 2 0 2 A 2 page feature film critique with 4 defined literary terms 3 An assigned YOUTUBE clip contextual presentation 3 4 pages of notes required 4 Complete the 4 essays with a 3 0 level of quality 5 Score 80 or better on the mid term final For a grade of 4 0 A 1 Meet the requirements of the 3 0 2 Present your favorite essay to the class in a 10 min presentation format with the use of the data projector 3 Use a unique value added component within the presentation and include some background visual auditory enhancement 4 Score 90 or better on the mid term and final 5 Defenders of the Permanent Things 2 page paper clip or presentation Daily Class Schedule Assignments Wednesday August 20 Class Introductions Goals Wednesday August 27 Faigley Chapters 1 3 Wednesday September 3 Essay Prep Discussion Wednesday September 10 Essay 1 Expressive Essay Working Draft Due Virtue Vice Please bring 4 copies Wednesday September 17 Faigley Chapters 7 9 Wednesday September 24 Essay 1 WD R Due Wednesday October 1 Essay 2 Expressive Informative Essay Working Draft Due Definition Please bring 4 copies Tuesday October 7 PROJECT SUCCESS DAY Wednesday October 8 Give Mid term Feature Length Film Wednesday October 15 CONFERENCES Mid term Due 2 page film critique Due Essay 2 WD R Due Faigley Chapters 4 6 Wednesday October 22 Essay 3 Informative Essay Working Draft Due Local Architecture Please bring 4 copies Wednesday October 29 YOUTUBE presentations Wednesday November 5 Essay 3 WD R Due Faigley Chapters 13 14 Wednesday November 12 Essay 4 Argumentative Essay Working Draft Due Michael Ramirez Editorial Cartoon Please bring 4 copies Wednesday November 19 Give Final Exam Essay 4 WD R Due CONFERENCES Wednesday December 3 Presentations Final Due Inside Portfolio Portfolios Due Wednesday December 10 Celebration Pot Luck Presentations Note The daily class schedule is meant as an informal guide only it is not representative of all we do in class Contract Grade Agreement I agree to complete the requirements for the grade of A B C I understand and agree that the instructor retains the right to the final determination of the quality of my work and shall judge whether my work meets or does not meet the grade I have selected to work toward If my work does not meet these quality standards I shall receive the next lowest grade With the approval of the instructor I have the right to resubmit my work with revisions to attempt to meet these quality standards If my work is less than the quality for a grade the instructor may assign a minus If my work exceeds the quality for a grade the instructor may assign a plus I understand the attendance requirements and that my grade may be

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JC ENG 131 - Syllabus

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