Commelinids Diversity and Evolution of Monocots spiderworts bananas pineapples Commelinids 4 main groups Acorales sister to all monocots Alismatids inc Aroids jack in the pulpit Lilioids lilies orchids yams non monophyletic petaloid Commelinids Arecales palms Commelinales spiderwort Zingiberales banana Poales pineapple grasses sedges Commelinales Zingiberales theme reduction of flower loss of nectar loss of zoophily evolution of bracts 2 closely related tropical orders primarily nectar bearing but with losses bracted inflorescences grass pickeral weed rapatead bromeliad pickeral weed spiderwort heliconia nectar pollen only bracts Commelinaceae spiderwort Commelinaceae spiderwort Family of small herbs with succulent stems stems jointed leaves sheathing Family does not produce nectar but showy flowers for insect pollen gathering Inflorescence often bracted Rhoeo Moses in a cradle Commelina erecta Erect dayflower Tradescantia ohiensis spiderwort Tradescantia ohiensis spiderwort Commelinaceae spiderwort Flowers actinomorphic or zygomorphic CA 3 CO 3 A 6 G 3 Commelinaceae spiderwort species rich in pantropics especially Africa floral diversity is enormous Commelina communis day flower Tradescantia ohiensis spiderwort Pontederiaceae pickerel weed Aquatic family of emergents or floaters Water hyacinth Eichhornia from tropical America is invasive species in subtropical areas of the world Pontederiaceae pickerel weed Pickerel weed has glossy heart shaped leaves superficially like Sagittaria but without net venation Flowers are in congested showy purple inflorescences Eichhornia crassipes Water hyacinth invading Florida Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed Pontederiaceae pickerel weed Haemodoraceae kangaroo paw Flowers are showy insect pollinated with nectar glands previously placed in Liliales Anigozanthus kangaroo paw Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed Small family with floral nectar species radiations in Australia and South Africa Zingiberales Zingiberales strongly supported group of 8 tropical families strongly supported group of 8 tropical families rhizomatous monocots with showy nectared but highly bracted flowers rhizomatous monocots with showy nectared but highly bracted flowers 3 shared features 3 shared features 1 Parallel pinnate leaves often distichous Zingiberales strongly supported group of 8 tropical families rhizomatous monocots with showy nectared but highly bracted flowers 3 shared features 2 Bracted flowers and inflorescences Zingiberales order fairly well known based on DNA and morphology show interesting trends in 1 fusion of perianth and 2 stamen loss and staminode development Costus floral pattern S 3 Inferior ovary P A S A A P AA A P S 3 fused sepals 3 separate petals 5 fused sterile anthers labellum DNA based Zingiberales rhizogram by John Kress 1 fertile anther Zingiberales Musaceae banana Zingiberales Musaceae banana robust herbs with spiralled phyllotaxy unisexual flowers fleshy fruits tubular flowers 3 sepals 2 petals 5 fertile stamens Musa X paradisica sterile triploid cultivated banana Zingiberales Strelitziaceae bird of paradise woody trunks usually with distichous leaves Zingiberales Strelitziaceae bird of paradise 3 genera of Gondwanan distribution 2 fused petals elaborated flowers for different pollination systems bird marsupial bat 5 or 6 fertile stamens Phenakospermum Guayana Shield Ravenala Madagascar Strelitzia South Africa Zingiberales Lowiaceae orchidantha Zingiberales Heliconiaceae heliconia 1 genus primarily Neotropical perianth tube 3 sepals robust herbs with distichous phyllotaxy 1 petal labellum 5 fertile stamens showy bract system Orchidantha of SE Asia and Pacific Zingiberales Heliconiaceae heliconia Zingiberales Costaceae costus flowers inverted resupinate robust herbs with spiral phyllotaxy 5 stamens staminode double bracted flowers flower mites Zingiberales Costaceae costus Zingiberales Zingiberaceae ginger two major groups insect pollinated and bird pollinated robust herbs with distichous phyllotaxy labellum formed from 5 sterile stamens ethereal aromatic ginger Zingiberales Zingiberaceae ginger striking floral diversity and pollinators Zingiberales Cannaceae canna only Canna of Neotropics asymmetrical flowers Zingiberales Marantaceae prayer plant Poales I showy flowers 4 main groups pantropical petiolate leaved Acorales sister to all monocots Alismatids inc Aroids jack in the pulpit Lilioids lilies orchids yams non monophyletic petaloid Commelinids Arecales palms Commelinales spiderwort Zingiberales banana Poales pineapple grasses sedges pairs of asymmetrical flowers Poales I showy flowers showy flowers insect or bird pollinated reduced flowers insect or wind pollinated reduced flowers wind pollinated Bromeliaceae pineapples mainly epiphytic but terrestrial as well in inhospitable regions Bromeliaceae pineapples key adaptations CAM photosynthesis modified trichomes or scales tank formation Bromeliaceae pineapples key adaptations CAM photosynthesis modified trichomes or scales tank formation scales very visible in Spanish moss Tank water impounding Scales water nutrient uptake Bromeliaceae pineapples preadaptations to carnivory in Brocchinia and Catopsis Catopsis Bromeliaceae pineapples inflorescence heavily bracted and often the attractant Amino acids radioactively labeled being incorporated into the scales of Brocchinia Brocchinia Tillandsia usneoides in South Carolina live oaks Bromeliaceae pineapples CA 3 CO 3 A 6 G 3 or G 3 Bromeliaceae pineapples bromeliads are an American family 2600 species 56 genera petals showy but not the sepals 2 sets of 3 stamens superior or inferior ovary with twisted styles berry or capsule 1 species of Pitcairnia in west Africa vicariance or dispersal Bromeliaceae pineapples pineapple not native to Hawaii along with two other ingredients of Hawaiian Punch Bromeliaceae pineapples classification traditionally had three subfamilies tillandsioids guava passion fruit pitcairnioids Incan ceremonial dance bromelioids Bromeliaceae pineapples tillandsioids Bromeliaceae pineapples bromelioids Ananas pineapple Tillandsia usneoides and T grandis Vriesea Bromeliaceae pineapples pitcairnioids Achmea Bromeliaceae pineapples 2 subfamilies natural based on DNA Brocchinia pitcairnioids broadly paraphyletic Brocchinia sister to rest of family Navia Puya Neoregelia origin of family in Guayana Shield of South America Bromeliaceae pineapples Guayana Highlands of southern Venezuela and adjacent areas of Brazil and Colombia the
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