ERAU WW WEAX201 Module 3 Ch 5 6 NAME 1 What types of fog are common in the local area 2 On a night with the following conditions would we expect fog Why or Why not T 65 DP 65 wind speed 10mph 3 What is an adiabatic process Explain what we mean when we say a parcel of air is cooled adiabatically 4 Explain the importance of aerosols suspended in the atmosphere in the process of condensation and the formation of droplets see page 109 5 What is the naming convention for clouds 6 What is the dry adiabatic lapse rate At what rate in degrees C per kilometer rise in altitude does a parcel of air in which no condensation is occurring cool as it ascends upward 7 What is the moist adiabatic lapse rate At what rate in degrees C per kilometer rise in altitude does a parcel of air that is saturated in which condensation is taking place cool as it ascends upward 8 The environmental lapse rate is the actual lapse rate the rate the atmosphere cools with height measured on a particular day using a weather balloon rawinsonde Draw below an example of day where the environmental lapse rate is absolutely unstable HINT you will need to draw and label 3 lines as shown in class and in the text 9 Are inversions stable or unstable layers What happens when a growing cumulus cloud reaches the altitude of a temperature inversion 10 How can we determine where the cloud base will be
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