Lilioids Diversity and Evolution of Monocots lilioids Lilioids petaloid monocots 4 main groups Acorales sister to all monocots Alismatids inc Aroids jack in the pulpit Lilioids lilies orchids yams non monophyletic petaloid Commelinoids Arecales palms Commelinales spiderwort Zingiberales banana Poales pineapple grasses sedges Lilioids petaloid monocots The lilioid monocots represent five orders and contain most of the showy monocots such as lilies tulips blue flags and orchids The lilioid monocots represent five orders and contain most of the showy monocots such as lilies tulips blue flags and orchids Majority are defined by 6 features Majority are defined by 6 features 1 Terrestrial epiphytes Terrestrial epiphytes plants typically not aquatic 2 Geophytes Geophytes herbaceous above ground with below ground modified perennial stems bulbs corms rhizomes tubers Lilioids petaloid monocots Lilioids petaloid monocots The lilioid monocots represent five orders and contain most of the showy monocots such as lilies tulips blue flags and orchids Majority are defined by 6 features thus common in two biomes temperate forest understory low light over winter 3 Leaves without petiole petiole leaf blade typically broader and attached directly to stem without petiole Mediterranean arid summer cool wet winter Lilioids petaloid monocots Lilioids petaloid monocots The lilioid monocots represent five orders and contain most of the showy monocots such as lilies tulips blue flags and orchids The lilioid monocots represent five orders and contain most of the showy monocots such as lilies tulips blue flags and orchids Majority are defined by 6 features Majority are defined by 6 features 4 Tepals Tepals showy perianth in 2 series of 3 each usually all petaloid or outer series not green and sepal like with no bracts 5 Nectaries Nectaries usually welldeveloped nectar tissue at the base of ovary or stamens insect or bird pollinated Lilioids petaloid monocots The lilioid monocots represent five orders and contain most of the showy monocots such as lilies tulips blue flags and orchids Lilioids petaloid monocots Systematic issues with this group Exceptions abound most people have classified Pontederiaceae with lilioids tepals nectar Majority are defined by 6 features 6 Capsule berry Capsule berry fruit a 3parted capsule or berry Pontederia cordata Pickerel weed Commelinid Lilioids petaloid monocots Systematic issues with this group Will the real Liliaceae Liliaceae please stand up Systematic issues with this group CA 3 CO 3 A 6 G 3 The floral pattern in Liliaceae Liliaceae is plesiomorphic primitive for the entire group of petaloid monocots Liliaceae thus included a lot of unrelated taxa that are now placed in at least three orders warning Gleason Cronquist UW Herbarium website still uses Liliaceae sensu lato Lilioids petaloid monocots Will the real Liliaceae Liliaceae please stand up and anything deviating from the generalized form placed in separate families Trillium trillium e g Trilliaceae for flowers with 3 green sepals Lilium lily Liliaceae Lilioids petaloid monocots Lilioids petaloid monocots Systematic issues with this group Systematic issues with this group Will the real Liliaceae Liliaceae please stand up Will the real Liliaceae Liliaceae please stand up and anything deviating from the generalized form placed in separate families e g Amaryllidaceae for flowers with inferior ovary and anything deviating from the generalized form placed in separate families Eucharis e g Smilacaceae for viney plants with petioled leaves Smilax catbriar Lilioids petaloid monocots Systematic issues with this group Lilioids petaloid monocots Five orders highlight 3 families Will the real Liliaceae Liliaceae please stand up Liliales Liliales Liliaceae Liliaceae s s lilies Asparagales Asparagales Iridaceae Iridaceae iris Asparagales Asparagales Orchidaceae Orchidaceae orchids and anything deviating from the generalized form placed in separate families Briefly examine other Liliaceae Liliaceae families of these two order e g many families that are woody woody Dracaena dragon tree yams and screw pines of Dioscoreales and Pandanales Liliales Liliaceae s s lilies Liliales Liliaceae s s lilies CA 3 CO 3 A 6 G 3 North temperate family of 16 genera and 700 species bulbed or rhizomatous perennials leaves without petioles stemmed or basal Liliaceae Liliaceae flower tepals but often spotted capsule or berry Medeola virginica Indian cucumber root Lilium lily Liliaceae Liliales Liliaceae s s lilies Liliales Liliaceae s s lilies Erythronium americanum yellow trout lily Clintonia borealis Yellow blue bead lily Tulipa sp tulip Liliales Smilacaceae catbriars Small family mainly of South Hemisphere climbers via tendrils modified stipules starchy tubers large net veined leaves and definite petiole Liliales Smilacaceae catbriars Flowers unisexual dioecious plants carrion flowers are foetid Male umbel Smilax herbacea bristly greenbriar Liliales Melanthiaceae Female umbel Fruit an umbel of black berries red berries are from jack in the pulpit Liliales Melanthiaceae Zigadenus death camas Trillium grandiflorum large flowered trillium Trillium recurvatum prairie trillium Xerophyllum beargrass Liliales Colchicaceae Liliales Colchicaceae Colchicum autumnale meadow saffron Uvularia grandiflora bellwort Asparagales sister to the Commelinids in the Lilioid grade Asparagales is sister to the Commelinids characterized by phytomelan in seed coats and arum type mychorrizal connection vs Paris type in Liliales more on Asparagales vs Liliales in a second Disrupts spindle mechanism in mitosis Asparagales sister to the Commelinids much of the order Asparagales had been included in Liliaceae Liliaceae Orchidaceae is sister to the rest of the order Iridaceae iris family is the other large family Asparagales vs Liliales These two give me a headache Mainly because there have been huge changes in the taxonomy of petaloid monocots over the past 30 years So here s a few pointers Asparagales vs Liliales 3 merous Could be either Inferior ovary Always Asparagales Spotted not an Orchid or Iris Iris Liliales Fruit blackened crusty Phytomelan crust Asparagales Fruit not with Phytomelan Liliales unless Orchidaceae http nature berkeley edu blogs freshfaces 2007 05 liliales vs asp php Asparagales vs Liliales http nature berkeley edu blogs freshfaces 2007 05 liliales vs asp php Asparagales Asparagaceae Extrorse dehiscence of anthers Could be either Introrse dehiscence of
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