TAMU INST 210 - Intellectual disabilities ctd.

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INST 210 1st Edition Lecture 22 Outline of Last Lecture I Defining ID II Discussion III Supplementary aids and services IV Assessment tools Outline of Current Lecture I Evidence based practices II Discussion Current Lecture I II Evidence based practices a Pre Linguistic Milieu Teaching often used with students who have intellectual disabilities and lots with Autism It is used with kids who have the characteristic of delayed language It s considered tier 2 3 because it s a one on one exercise These are kids who need a more intense intervention in a smaller group setting b Self determined Learning Model of Instructions SDLMI appropriate with children who have all sorts of learning disabilities and even children who do not have a learning disability This can be started very early as well i Ms Trejo is implementing the self determined learning model of instruction in her class She is hoping this form of self questioning can facilitate goal setting in adult life c Community based instruction happens in the community rather than in the school building Go through social skills interacting with the community handing back the right change etc Students develop many skills through real experiences this helps with generalizability for the students Provides for a successful transition into adult life after high school Discussion a Do students with intellectual disabilities have post secondary college options Yes People with IDs have been attending college for a long time but people with severe IDs attending college is new These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute

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TAMU INST 210 - Intellectual disabilities ctd.

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