ADPR 3100 1nd Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Previous Lecture I Newspaper strengths and limitations II Categories III Magazine strengths and limitations IV Rate Structure V Buying Outline of Current Lecture I Cost effectiveness II Print recap III Radio a AQH Current Lecture Overall cost effectiveness total cost of printspace per GRP o GRPs delivered by print Verification o Audit Bureau of Circulations Verifies circulation o Syndicated market research Readership studies Print o Advantages Trusted and influential boosts effectiveness These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Segmenting geographically lifestyle o Disadvantages Cost is high Clutter National large markets unreachable Radio o Reach doesn t really matter o Delivers great frequency o Cost efficient o Addresses narrow segments o Mobile o Supplemental medium o Advantages Segementing markets Can reach that market Mobile market proximity to purchase Flexible and immediate Good at responding easily adaptable Personal relationship o Disadvantages Audience Comparatively small per station Distracted other things on the audience s mind Lack of precise market research No visual lacks impact o Best uses Local retail o Buying Multi step process General choices Then specific decisions 1 choose platform AM vs FM o AM 20 of audience Older listeners demographic News talk nostalgia Sound quality ok Large signal area signal bends and reflects o FM 80 of audience Younger audience Music Superior sound better quality Smaller signal area signal line of sight 2 choose format o Format continuous show o Most popular radio formats Country 2 000 Adult contemporary 1 500 Talk 1 300 3 choose daypart o Determines reach and segment o Morning drive time 7 10am talk news o Midday 10am 3pm station format o Afternoon drive time 3 7pm talk news o Evenings 7 midnight station format o Overnight 12 6am station format 4 ratings o Pick relevant population boundaries o Metro survey area MSA Central city and immediately surrounding counties Highest concentration of listeners o Total survey area TSA MSA plus more distant surrounding counties o Ratings audience unites Average quarter hour person AQH Someone listens to station at least 5 of 15 minutes Estimated number of people listening to a station for at least 5 minutes of 15 minute period cume persons Cumulative Number of different people listening to a station for 5 minutes over longer period o Measures of reach for individual stations 15 in Longtime Rating size Share popularity AQH AQH share Cume n a o AQH rating size percentage AQH personsthis station x 100 AQH rating area population i e AQH rating of 2 5 o AQH share popularity only portion of listening to radio AQH persons this station AQH share AQH persons all stations i e AQH share of 40
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