UA KIN 300 - Physical Education
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KIN 300 Lecture 14 Outline of Last Lecture II New Era in History different decades III Subdisciplines IV Jobs V Evolution of Physical Education VI Distinction of Subdisciplines VII Sport Pedagogy VIII Curriculum Outline of Current Lecture IX Guest Speaker Notes a Sport Education b Jobs in Kinesiology c Curriculum Specific Skills d Becoming a PE teacher Current Lecture KIN 300 10 14 14 Class Notes Guest Speaker Class B Certification must have in order to work in school system in state of Alabama Curriculum certain learning objectives how to assess specific skills and attaining proper techniques rather than just going through the motion Certain benchmarks and milestones to be met at different age groups o Different development levels Skill Themes Locomotor Skills o Walking hopping galloping running skipping etc Nonmanipulative Skills o Twisting turning rolling stretching curling etc Manipulative Skills o Kicking punting volleying throwing catching etc These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Movement Concepts Space Awareness where the body moves o Location direction levels pathways extensions Effort how the body moves o Time force flow Relationships with whom or what the body moves o Of body parts o With objects and or people Key Points The wheel shows how the Skill Themes and Movement Concepts can work together Must make yourself marketable build up your resume internships minors etc o A lot of opportunities at various levels Great teachers are fantastic coaches great coaches are fantastic teachers Knowing how to develop kinesthetic awareness must start at a young age early on What is Sport Education Seeks to make sport experience in physical education more real for ALL students Central goals o Teach you to be competent literate and enthusiastic sports people Competent have sufficient skills Literate understand and value the rules rituals and traditions of sports o Distinguish between good and bad sport practices o More able participant and knowledgeable fan or spectator o Examples Baseball national anthem with hats over heart Football coin toss Tennis everyone wears white go to net to shake hands Enthusiastic participate and help maintain a positive and healthy sports culture within class the school and the community o Become involved in sport and promoting it within the community Features of Sport Education o Seasons Affiliations Formal Competition Culminating Event Keeping Records Festivity Full Participation by all students o Small sided teams o No elimination tournaments o Culminating events for all students o All students experience all roles Game is modified for increased success for all students o No full sided official games with all adult rules o It s still volleyball but we make it more appropriate for more students Not just the high skilled ones Roles beyond that of Player or Performer o Must understand complexities of the game o Teaching children to think play stop and discuss it talk it out o What are the learning objectives you are trying to get across Physical Education Teachers o Could come back to get certification in 2 years o Could get masters o No such thing as online teacher education certification Must be hands on in person education o Job prospects of physical education teachers Good for those who do well in the program Willing to go where the jobs are o 2 5 GPA requirement average of C in all classes o Certified for K 12 o It s more than just handing out a ball to the kids

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UA KIN 300 - Physical Education

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 3
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