UA KIN 300 - Sport Pedagogy and Evolution
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KIN 300 Lecture 13 Outline of Last Lecture II Review of History a Women in Sport III Evolving PE over various decades Outline of Current Lecture IV New Era in History different decades V Subdisciplines VI Jobs VII Evolution of Physical Education VIII Distinction of Subdisciplines IX Sport Pedagogy X Curriculum Current Lecture New Era in History 1960s Kenneth Cooper Father of the Modern Fitness Movement Cooper is cited as being one of the key figures in revolutionizing field of medicine away from disease treatment to disease prevention through aerobic exercise 1968 Publication of book titled simply Aerobics Brought attention to extraordinary importance of cardiovascular fitness Founded the Cooper Aerobics Institute in Texas Developed the 12 minute and 1 5 mile fitness tests the Aerobics Point System New Era in History PE in 1950 60 s All of these events lead to two major changes These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Changes in PE curriculum Development of research fields including exercise science motor learning biomechanics etc Beginning of what we now know as academic discipline of Kinesiology umbrella term With widespread focus on physical fitness became necessary to investigate the outcomes of various approaches to fitness Led to development of multiple sub disciplines of Kinesiology New Era in History Today Kinesiology sub disciplines of Kinesiology Anatomy Exercise Physiology Biomechanics Motor Learning Sport Psychology Kinesiology Subdisciplines Kinesiology Study of movement human in our case Anatomy The study of the physical structure of an animal Biomechanics Study of the human body as a mechanical system utilizes principles drawn from physics No specific course incorporated throughout Physiology Functions and activities of living organisms including all physical and chemical processes Exercise physiology Study of bodily systems their reactions to stress of exercise Motor Learning Focuses on how motor skills are learned Areas motor learning control development Categories Initial Elementary Mature Sport Psychology Study of sport and psychological issues in sport Intervention examples Relaxation cue control mental imaging coping desensitization Jobs available w degree in Kinesiology Exercise Physiologist Professor of Exercise Physiology Sports Medicine Doctor PA Physical Occupational Therapist PTA OTA Chiropractor Prosthetics Athletic Trainer Strength Conditioning Coach Personal Trainer Fitness Instructor Health Promotion and Wellness Sport Psychologist Sports Historian Sports Lawyer Agent Motor Development Specialist Exercise Equipment Developer Salesman Evolution of Physical Education Following WWII with onset of Cold War looming physical fitness became a matter of national concern President Eisenhower led the cause PE became mandatory in almost every school between 1950 1975 From middle school to high school students required to either take PE or engage in sports Co ed PE classes emerged in 1950s Three philosophical movements had impact on physical education fitness sport during the post 1950s era The environmental movement Civil rights movement Fitness wellness movement Environmental Movement Provided framework for engaging in physical activity outdoors especially in wilderness areas Promoted activities such as cycling cross country skiing backpacking Led to growth of adventure education in Physical Education programs Civil Rights Movement Provided framework for the further collapse of racial barriers in sport fitness physical education Prior to this movement African American children did not have opportunities to engage in physical education With passing of Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 discrimination was banned leading to integration of physical education programs sports teams Black athletes became highly recruited in both college professional sports teams Shift in physical education equal rights regardless of skin color Fitness and Wellness Movement Concept of relationship of physical fitness to healthy lifestyle began evolving Aerobics Era put into place new approach to healthy lifestyle including daily walks jogging competitive running as well as bicycle travel Fitness wellness industry boom Some 22 000 companies non profit organizations run some 30 000 fitness recreation centers with combined annual revenue of 23 billion leading to jobs in fitness industry Distinction of Subdisciplines Another major influence on direction of physical education has been development of academic discipline of Kinesiology 1960s 1980s saw development of series of specialized research fields that joined together under umbrella term Kinesiology In early 1980s Exercise Physiology was the first to split began to identify itself with new focus separate from PE called Exercise Science Under Kinesiology umbrella term have many subdisciplines Exercise Science Anatomy physiology Biomechanics Motor development control learning Sport psychology Sport pedagogy the science of teaching physical education Each has helped substantially increase our knowledge of various aspects of physical education fitness sport Although each subdicipline has helped increase our knowledge of various aspects of physical education fitness sport it is only sport pedagogy that is specifically concerned with the further development of physical education as a school subject Sport Pedagogy What is pedagogy The science art of education What is sport pedagogy The academic field of study concerned with learning teaching and instruction in sport physical education and related areas of physical activity What is a physical education program It is defined by both The content to be learned curricular choices The manner in which that content is taught the pedagogy used Physical education has been school subject in America for more than 100 years Most of this time it was a minor subject But multiple events such as those surrounding lack of physically capable men to serve in WWII have made it known that physical education is a major subject Recent epidemic of obese children has once again brought this issue into spotlight Evolution of Sport Pedagogy 1910 Clark Hetherington earned title of Father of Modern Physical Education with the publishing of his paper entitled Fundamental Education Described a new physical education with 4 phases physical motor mental social development 4 phases used to both explain justify the

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UA KIN 300 - Sport Pedagogy and Evolution

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 11
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