Psy 0160 1st Edition Exam 2 Study Guide Lectures 7 10 Lecture 7 What is Phenomenology What is Phenomenological Theory Matching draw a line to the theory which corresponds to the psychologist Carl Rogers Human Potential Movement 2 psychologists Abraham Maslow Existentialism Viktor Frankl Positive Psychology Movement Seligman Peterson Csikzentmihalyi Person Client Centered Therapy What is perception and how does this idea tie into Person Client Centered Theory What is the Phenomenal Field How does this idea tie into Person Client Centered Theory What is authenticity How does this idea tie into Person Client Centered Theory What is the self actualizing tendency Rogers believed humans had Explain the Self and the idea of the self concept What is the true core self vs the non intuitive self Explain the idea of the actual self vs the ideal self and how these ideas tie into theories of Congruence vs Incongruence What are 2 measures that can be used to assess the self self concept Explain how each of these measures work How are Incongruence and Defensive processes related Further explain the difference between denial and distortion What are symbolized experiences How do these relate to identifying with the self How does the idea of congruence relate to early childhood development Define Positive Regard Positive self regard Unconditional positive regard Conditions of worth conditional positive regard What is Roger s Client Centered Therapy What are important qualities the therapist must embody Lecture 8 In an evaluation of Rogers Client Centered Therapy technique elaborate on the following Database Systematic Testable Comprehensive Applications Who is Abraham Maslow What did he think of self actualization What is his idea of peak experiences and what were his hierarchy of needs What is Existentialism What is the idea of the human condition Define Logotherapy What is Positive Psychology Explain the ideas of Seligman and Petersen What is Csikzentmihalyi s idea of Flow Lecture 9 What is Behaviorism What are some fundamental aspects of this theory What is Determinism and how does this tie into behaviorism How does this oppose the idea of free will How does the environment play a role in the idea of behavior What is a simple system Why and how are they used for research purposes Explain Pavlov s Classical Conditioning Using the example of the dog bell and salivation explain how this example illustrates various kinds of stimuli and responses Define Generalization Discrimination Extinction Who was John Watson and what is he the founder of Explain Watson s experiment with Little Albert What was he trying to discover Explain Jones theory of unconditioning a fear How did Eric Kandel s experiment with alypsia slugs add biological evidence to the theory of conditioning What is Operant Conditioning Lecture 10 What is a reinforcer does this increase or decrease a behavior What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement What is continuous reinforcement What is partial reinforcement Define the following Fixed interval Fixed ratio Variable ratio Variable interval What is punishment does this increase or decrease a behavior What is the difference between positive and negative punishment What is the Skinner Box and Skinner Baby Tender Box What does Skinner believe about the concept of Free Will What is shaping What is another name for this concept To behaviorists what is the cause of behavioral disorders psychopathology What is systematic desensitization How does a fear hierarchy play into this idea What are 2 methods of behavioral assessment Explain each one in detail
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