Personality Psychology Lecture 9 Outline of Last Lecture Adjustment Self actualization Assessment of Self Concept Q sort technique Research design example Semantic Differential Incongruence and Defensive processes Denial vs distortion Symbolized Growth and Development Positive regard vs positive self regard Unconditional positive regard Conditions of worth Client centered therapy Outline of Current Lecture Evaluation of Rogers Database Systematic Testable Comprehensive Applications Abraham Maslow Self actualization Peak experiences Hierarchy of needs Current Lecture Evaluation of Rogers Database made lots of effort to scientifically investigate his concepts strong o Taped sessions and had people listen to them and critique o Using objective measures Q sort o Trying to apply experimental methods o BUT relies on only observations which cant always be accurate Systematic yes and no These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute o Amount of theoretical work Rogers produced compared to other theorists is less Testable depends on which elements of his theory are being considered o Yes actual vs ideal self Q sort other objective measures o How do you measure self actualization Comprehensive no doesn t address biology evolution genetics o Started with theory of personality as foundation but bulk of his work was based on applying this theory to therapy Applications important contributions to understanding whats necessary and what works in therapy Abraham Maslow believed people were basically good positive view of humans Self actualization all people have impulse towards growth and fulfillment of potentials o Psychopathology results when this is impeded when not being who you really are Peak experiences rare exciting moments feel intense feelings of love part of becoming yourself o Moments important in experiencing self actualization process o Plateau experiences after having peak experiences we experience life in general differently Hierarchy of needs o Deficit needs bottom deficiency psychology if these needs aren t met then it can lead to neurosis because of deprivation 5 Physiological needs food drink sleep etc If don t have these then don t have needs for anything else 4 Safety needs need to live in stable state predictable environment Freedom from fear and chaos 3 Belonging needs 2 Esteem needs respect from others and competency Healthy self esteem comes from personal effort we earn it from others and ourselves o Being needs top need 1 Self actualization unique to individuals of whats important to them what are their talents not in static state once reach it doesn t mean it stops
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