UGA BIOL 1107 - The Cell & Organelles
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BIOL 1107 1nd Edition Lecture 11 Outline of Last Lecture I Sodium potassium pump II Proton pump III Co transport IV Influenza cell entry Outline of Current Lecture I CFTR Protein Cystic Fibrosis II Nucleus III Endoplasmic Reticulum IV Cytoskeleton Current Lecture I CFTR Protein Cystic Fibrosis These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute What is cystic fibrosis Disease that has very poor life expectancy thickened mucosa in the lungs due to chloride transport malfunction Chloride gets stuck inside epithelial cell Mrs Constable stated that she will not ask specific questions about cystic fibrosis II Nucleus Largest structure in cell DNA in chromosomes Nuclear pore transport in and out of cell III Nucleoli produces ribosomes Ribosomes go out through nuclear pore Nuclear envelope contain phospholipids what s unique about this membrane It s a double membrane Why DNA shouldn t leave nucleus Contains genes and is protecting those genes RNA leaves nucleus so that we can protect DNA and amplify amount of protein that gets made Endoplasmic Reticulum IV Rough ER proteins Smooth ER detoxifying production of lipids calcium ion storage carbohydrate metabolism Usually wrapped around nucleus What proteins are made in ER Secreted proteins and membrane proteins How ribosome knows whether to go to ER or cytoplasm Signal peptides How do we move protein to Golgi Via vesicles Transport vesicles move proteins through cytoskeleton microtubules etc Cytoskeleton reinforces cell s shape functions in cell movement components are made of protein Three major types 1 Microtubules function movement shape cilia flagella centrioles 2 Microfilaments actin contraction important in muscles shape tension 3 Intermediate filaments laminin holds organs in place structure

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UGA BIOL 1107 - The Cell & Organelles

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 4
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