UMass Amherst KIN 110 - KIN110_Sept8_14

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9 8 14 kin 110 class notes Can you be overweight and healthy Review from Friday o Human performance and how we define it o Athletics vs general health Athletics Speed Endurance Stamina Getting active o High energy turnover o How do you have high energy turnover Running or laundry household Exercise and physical activity o Exercise is within physical activity o Physical activity is anything requiring energy expenditure o Exercise is done with the intention of improving health performance It is intentional o Whereas doing laundry is expending energy but it is performed in order to get your clothes clean not necessarily to burn calories Other examples mowing the lawn walking your dog gardening etc o High intensity interval exercise Maximize heart activity Sprinting or performing other very difficult exercise activities for a short period of time What is best for health o Is the way you accrue the activity important o Does it matter if you do high intensity exercise for a short period of time or low intensity for a long period of time What is fitness o Runners Speed Endurance o Power lifter Cares about how many lbs he can lift in one set o Fitness is specific to athlete type everyone has different goals o Gymnasts wrestlers rowers may want to meet certain weight requirements o Fitness is a loose definition What is health o Messier when we define health o Do physical characteristics health lean o Resting metabolic rate Dictates how many calories can be taken in o Low body fat healthy o How important is body fat for health Fat fitness and health o Lack of physical fitness Obesity Prevalence of disease in the population o Could the order be changed Life expectancy by sex and race o Influence of sex on longevity o Black males are lowest on graph o White male black females are about the same on graph o White females are the highest o women live longer o white vs black white people tend to life longer than black people race o human population considered dinstinct based on physical characteristics ethnicity o social groups with a shared history sense of identity and culture longevity by county o regional differences by sex o 1983 1999 o men have been increasing in health o women have had more decreases in health than men in Mississippi southern states etc Diabetes Prevalence o Differences among different populations o 4 populations 4 different age groups o lowest prevalence non Hispanic whites o highest prevalence American Indian Alaska natives health disparity o differences in health and disease among specific subgroups o HINT KNOW THIS If rates of diabetes are higher in minority men women what do you do about it IF obesity diabetes heart disease THEN solution is to decrease fat obesity What is obesity isn t the direct problem What could cause diabetes or heart disease o Diet o Stress o Genetics o Exercise Obesity may be a symptom of the problem o No exercise poor diet increased levels of obesity o More to blame than obesity itself Overweight triathletes Overweight healthy o For many years healthy NOT fat o Current thinking strongly emphasizes that people at ideal body weight but with low cardiovascular fitness are at greater risk for heart disease and diabetes than a person that is fat but who exercises regularly Ex linebackers Ex sumo wrestlers Unfit and lean people o Smokers o Generally skinny o Nicotine suppresses appetite o People with unusually high metabolism but who don t exercise Study comparing women o Lean fit Body fat 17 Training 10 hr week o Overweight fit 34 body fat training 10 hours week o Overweight unfit 34 body fat no training results o both fit categories has same level of triglycerides o sedentary overweight women had much higher levels of triglycerides What are the characteristics of people who have high body fat but are healthy vs unhealthy o High fat subcutaneous fat not visceral How can someone be fit and fat o Slow metabolism o Set point o Genetics o Nutrition Too many calories Energy balance Energy in is greater than energy out

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - KIN110_Sept8_14

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