10 24 13 Kin 110 disc Notes Personal metabolism BMR o Rate at which your body uses energy in order to perform functions necessary to stay alive o Lowest rate at which a person can use energy and remain alive o Metabolic rate measured in the supine position following a fast of 12 hours and rest of 8 hours o The measurement of vital cellular activity during complete rest Whats the biggest determinant of BMR o Muscle mass Harris and Benedict Measuring BMR o Co2 and O2 exchanges o Height weight age gender Harris Benedict formula o Women o BMR 655 4 35 weight 4 7 height 4 7 age o Men o 66 6 23 weight 12 7 height 6 8 age o weight in lbs o height in inches limitations o lean body mass increases BMR but fat mass does not o overestimates it for people who are overweight underestimates for people who are underweight activity factors o 1 Sedentary BMR 1 2 o Lightly active 1 375 o moderately active 1 55 o very active 1 725 o extra active 1 9 protein o to build muscle and to repair muscle o antibodies immune system o enzymes all proteins impact protein needs o weight o pregnancy o recovering from illness o intense exercise o under stress RDA for protein o weight in kilograms 0 8 1 4 g kg protein g day o 8 1 4 healthy protein range
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