UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.10.13 kin 110 disc. notes

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10 10 13 kin 110 disc notes The world of inactivity Homework School work office work Transportation Eating Drinking Television How much do we sit o Office workers spend about 70 of waking day spent doing sedentary behavior o 8 hrs sleeping o 16 waking hours 70 11 2 hours spent doing nothing with our muscles Is sitting bad o English bus drivers sit all day at work Got heart disesase more frequently and sooner than conductors o Bus conductors ticket takers stand and walk all day at work How bad is sitting o Epidemiological evidence large cohort studies Take a snap shot of a bunch Epidemiological study o Overview of tv watching behaviors o Each 2 hr day increment of sitting Risk for obesity increase by 23 Risk for type 2 diabetes increases by 14 o Sitting time at work Average 3 hrs per day 25 office workers sat 6 hrs day all this sitting at work translates to 60 risk for obesity experimental evidence o early experiments used bed rest as a model of inactivity o effects of bed rest reduced phys Fitness vo2max poor vascular function decreased insulin sensitivity increased fat mass loss of muscle mass and many other negative side effects can we exercise enough to prevent negative effects of sitting o We don t really know just yet o The negative effects of sitting are independent from the benefits of exercise Meaning Sitting affects different aspects of the body than exercise affects How to combat this Taking breaks from sitting o Npr sitting all day is worse than you may think The study that started it all o Waist circumference is an easy way to estimate central adiposity o What does this graph tell you People who took more Periodic breaks had lower waist circumferences Better health suggested More active at desk o Standing desk o Tall o Treadmill connected to desk Does it matter what you do during your break from sitting How many calories do you actually burn if you take lots of breaks at work o What is phys Activity compendium o Bird watching slow walk o Marching mod Speed o Marching rapidly o Pushing stroller o Pushing wheel chair MET value 3 5 body weight in kg 200 kcal min Jim Dwight o

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.10.13 kin 110 disc. notes

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