UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 11.18.13 kin 110 class notes

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11 18 13 kin 110 class notes test on Friday lectures 15 16 30 in totman gym 98 99 of people who lose weight on a weight loss diet will regain it what about the 1 2 who do lose weight and maintain it National weight control registry list of people who lost 20 lbs or more kept it off for 6 months o Currently over 6000 people registered o What are the secrets to success 1 A low calorie diet and low fat 1800 calories per day 2 A high amount of physical activity report doing close to an hour a day of physical activity that seems to be a key characteristic for maintenance of weight loss considerable physical activity is necessary for weight loss maintenance o change in weight kg vs time months o three dif groups 150 min week 150 min week 200 min week o less than 150 regained half of weight lost o only group to maintain weight loss 200 min week o the recommendation isn t enough to maintain weight loss in most people o exercise recommendations are too low for Americans o need more than 30 mins per day every day what makes exercise so effective o 1 Energy expenditure 60 moderate intensity exercise 500 750 kcals o sitting 60 kcals about o equipment usually tells you how many kcals you are burning how accurate is that not that far off can t be totally unrealistic overestimate by about 20 higher than reality this is because the products are all competing with each other o if input weight and track heart rate 10 off overestimate people trying to carefully track calories taken in expenditure this can throw them off o iphone app may be slightly more accurate has weight 2 Post exercise increase in metabolic rate o RMR elevated after exercise 2 24 hours Intensity aerobic activity less intensity Duration how long you exercised for o How much Even if RMR elevated by 5 80 90 calories 3 Maintenance of muscle mass Active tissue that expends a lot of calories o Sleeping metabolic rate vs Fat free body mass o Positive slope o Starts around 2500 g fat free body mass Exercise opposes effects of low leptin to reduce energy expenditure o Less leptin less signal to hypothalamus for satiety o Exercise opposes that hypothalamus is still sensitive o Better able to maintain weight loss o Allows people to maintain energy deficit while still eating a reasonable of kcals Time magazine article o Person on treadmill with cupcake on mind o Will gain back calories burned later o Social media exercise is useless for weight loss this is good bad o People trying to promote exercise has been undone by one article o Barry braun went around the world talking about exercise Keys to think about o 1 Talking about effects of exercise on appetite short term or long term Days weeks months o Body fat o 2 Meal to meal energy intake at each meal interval between meals size of meals all of these could be important as well tonic energy in and out integrated over months years o leptin and insulin o changes are going to be important in weight regulation o long term episonic meal size meal to meal intervals o initiation of meal hunger o termination of meal satiety o under control of different components o regulated very differently satiety o incretins gastrointestinal hormones that feedback on insulin production and satiety in the brain o GLP1 o PYY o GIP o CCK o Stomach small intestine o Class of hormones related to satiety o Somehow change how full you feel Ghrelin o Induces hunger o Time over 24 hours peaks at breakfast lunch dinner after dinner o Cause and effect relationship o Infuse ghrelin into blood and it causes them to become hungry o Affected by exercise During exercise o Suppression of appetite o Exercise stress epinephrine increase in body temperature in cold less suppression of appetite people who swim not as much suppression o Vertical motion people who jump rope have more suppression of appetite EIA inhibition of appetite is transient short term o Longer term o 1 No compensation don t eat any more kcals lose weight o 2 Partial compensation eat some more kcals slowly lose weight o 3 Full compensation eat back all kcals no weight loss interestingly exercise to maintain weight loss may be more effective in men than in women o women might replace kcals to maintain body weight o why Last physical activity maintains health and decrease risk for diseases o Lean normal obese o Fit vs unfit

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 11.18.13 kin 110 class notes

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