UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.30.13 kin110 class notes

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10 30 13 kin110 class notes Creatine found in meat products Can also be synthesized yourself with your own enzymes o More creatine in muscle for people who eat meat compared to vegetarians o Something about diet General public confused o CP creatine phosphate o Short term energy source o Creatinine Waste product Not the same thing as creatine Found in urine Why supplement with creatine o Creatine creatine phosphate o Higher levels of creatine phosphate advantage for higher intensity exercise Creatine and performance o 8 fit men double blind placebo 30 g creatine day for 6 days o cycling at max intensity for 6 sec with 30 sec rest Repeat 10 times pedaling rate vs number of cycling bouts o placebo people didn t do as well o creatine improved performance o needed to do several trials to see improvement new study o 5 men 4 women untrained o 1 Continuous cycling o 2 30 sec cycling 60 sec rest o 3 20 sec cycling 40 sec rest o 4 10 sec cycling 20 seconds rest o what kind of exercise maximizes effects of creatine o How long do you have to recover Continuous cycling didn t work 10 20 trial worked the best o Most benefit Why is creatine useful for intermittent exercise Exercise rest exercise rest etc Increase capacity to rebuild creatine phosphate in rest periods Creatine o Mitochondria you make ATP Leaves mitochondria Migrates to muscle Inefficient system somewhat o Used in muscle contraction o CR PCr Immediate use Conclusion so far o Cr supplementation increases total creatine in the muscle most of it is stored there 95 o Bigger increase if start lower women benefit more o Cr can enhance exercise performance esp intermittent high intensity exercise o Most effective when Other uses o Maybe postive effect on mental performance alzheimers dementia o Possible that creatine helps muscle wasting ALS MS Cancer How to write a paper in 9 minutes o Topic Deer antler spray muscle growth does it cause growth is it safe o Intro What is it How does it work Popularity How many people use it How much money gets spent on it o Last sentence Concentrate on answer to first question o Body of paper What is it How does it work o Conclusions BODY MASS TENDS TO INCREASE WITH CREATINE USE o Probably muscle protein o Do size and strength occur because creatine allos harder training Side effects o Concern about dehydration and kidney failure o Several incidents with athletes in which Cr was blamed for injuries Side effects of creatine use in adults seem minor

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.30.13 kin110 class notes

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