10 9 13 Kin 110 class notes Which is more economical fuel more miles per gallon CHO or fat o Poptarts o Butter Fat lipid contains energy in carbon bonds o Break bonds release energy Lipids can be oxidized to CO2 and H2O to produce ATP o Fatty acids o Structure HOO C C C C C C C C C C etc o Palmitate fatty acid most common in human metabolism Fatty acids stored in plants and animals as triglycerides Where is fat stored o Adipose tissue fat tissue o Subcutaneous under the skin o Fat main storage area o Visceral fat mainly in abdomen around organs Strongly related to diabetes CVD hypertension More visceral fat lower sensitivity to insulin o High is good o Insulin sensitivity vs central abdominal fat Large volume liposuction o Removed 20 lbs fat from abdominal area Before o Subcutaneous fat removed o 20 lbs abdominal fat sucked out o LDL cholesterol insulin sensitivity triglycerides etc nothing happened o Didn t improve health risk factors for diabetes heart disease o Removing the fat To use energy in fat o 1 Mobilization stress hormones adrenaline epinephrine into the blood TG fatty acids stored triglycerides and sent to blood fatty acids o 2 Uptake FA taken up from blood muscle Higher FA in blood more taken up by muscle o 3 FA into mitochondria carnitine chaperones fatty acids into mitochondria cytosol o 4 FA to acetyl CoA FA sliced to unit 16 carbon FA 8 acetyl CoA o 5 Oxidation of acetyl CoA for energy products are carbon dioxide H2O 129 ATP TCA Krebs Acetyl CoA 129 ATP cycle Oxidation of fat releares a lot of ATP o BUT 1 Relatively slow 5 steps mobilization uptake by muscle entry into mitochondria slicing to acetyl CoA oxidation for energy 2 Requires a lot of oxygen o 46 oxygen to oxidize palmitate to CO2 and H2O atoms o only 12 oxygen atoms to oxidize glucose to Co2 and H2O Which fuel is more economical o Glucose Cho 36 ATP and requires 12 oxygen 3 0 ATP per O2 o palmitate fat produces 129 ATP and requires 46 oxygen 2 8 ATP per oxygen energy per carbon atom o CHO 36 ATP 6 carbon 6 ATP carbon atom o FAT 129 ATP 16 carbons 8 ATP carbon atom Storage o To store 90 000 kcal of energy o As glycogen 90 000 4 kcal g 22 500 g 22 5 kg 49 lbs o As fat 90 000 9 kcal g 10 0 kg 22 lb o 27 lbs less storing energy as fat instead
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