UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.4.13 kin 110 class notes

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October 4th 2013 How did chocolate milk become a sport nutrition product Post Exercise Nutrition Since majority of exercise energy comes from CHO Major goal Refill muscle and liver glycogen About 300 grams in muscle 75 grams stored in liver After long hard exercise both can be close to empty To replenish glycogen eat CHO WHEN to eat What form And if you can combine it with something to work even better After exercise enzyme glycogen synthase Is most active 0 2 hours after exercise Critical window Glycogen synthase very active for about 2 hours after exercise Consuming CHO in first 2 hours after exercise Can optimize storage of glycogen WHAT kind of CHO CHO with high glycemic index replaces muscle glycogen more effectively then low GI In the first 24 hours Uptake of CHO by muscle CHO with higher GI causes a bigger insulin release than low GI More insulin more glucose glycogen After 24 hours both high GI and low GI foods are the same If need to do hard work out within 24 hours might be advantage to have high GI carbohydrates What else increases secretion of insulin Combining CHO and PRO increase insulin Does adding PRO to HO after exercise cause greater synthesis of glycogen SOME studies show CHO protein in a more effective than CHO alone 3 1 4 1 ratio E g 30 grams CHO 10g pro Better than 40 g CHO Chocolate milk may improve recovery after exercise Chocolate milk is effective post exercise drink that improves recovery according to trial reported in International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism Chocolate milk is a strong alternative to other commercial sports drinks in helping athletes recover from strenuous energy depleting exercise Joal M Stage PHD Some people not happy Quaker oats struck back The Dairy and Nutrition Council supported this study in part Bigger Q is Should chocolate milk or Gatorade be a large part of the habitual diet Gatorade sugar sugar sugar Chocolate milk sugar sugar protein In the general population diet high in simple sugars is associated with obesity heart disease Also true for athletes in training Don t know Does active life offset marginal nutrition habits Midterm exam 1 Friday October 11th Class time Tot man Gym Material through lecture 15 Wednesday 10 9 lecture and book

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 10.4.13 kin 110 class notes

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