UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.25.13 kin 110 class notes

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9 25 13 Kin 110 class notes Glycogen comes from muscle and from the blood glucose that comes from the glycogen in the liver o Glucose pyruvate lactate 2 ATP o or carbon dioxide and water and 36 ATP How much CHO do athletes people need Americans eat 50 of energy as CHO o Eat 2400 kcal day 1200 kcal CHO CHO 300 g o Major health organizations 50 55 What about athletes o Most sports nutritionists suggest that 60 of daily calories come from CHO o Carbs should be 60 of diet sugars and starches What do you need it for o Brain nerve cells need 75 g day o Other use 125 150 g day o Total about 200 225 grams Exercise CHO use o 30 min easy walking 25 g CHO o 45 min moderate running 75 o 60 min hard running 125 150 If 60 is good is more beter o Does eating more CHO increase muscle glycogen o If you increase glycogen does better performance Most common study of CHO and glycogen o Cross country runners o One group 40 CHO moderate CHO diet o Other group 70 CHO calories high CHO diet Muscle glycogen mmol kg ww vs time o 8 muscle biopsies twice a day for 4 days o moderate in yellow o high in red o both start at the same place go for a run and both end at same place o next days the high carb diet is more successful in recovering replacing glycogen o lower carb diet has low glycogen by the end of the 3 days 40 group could not replenish their glycogen between runs o runners with low glycogen still completed every run managed to run every day Question of the Day o Assuming that 1 Cho is main source of energy 2 Cho is stored as muscle glycogen 3 higher levels of glycogen lead to better performance All other things being equal o If you take o Same person training task conditions o They should perform better with more glycogen Research in 1970 s o Endurance performance improved if you started with more glycogen o Called glycogen super compensation loading Depletion repletion o A 7 days before competition Deplete glycogen o B 3 day of very low CHO diet o C In last 4 days reduce training by 50 Really high CHO diet 70 of kcals Muscle glycogen stores can be increased by 300 450 g Modified diet o Skip depletion o 7 days before comp cut back on training o while increasing CHO in diet 70 or more o rise in glycogen not as dramatic but 15 20 308 grams 350 grams big increase in glycogen should lead to better performance o side effects storing glycogen leads to water storage some athletes feel tightness spongy Weight gain downside to increasing glycogen o use of glycogen partly depends on how much you have so increasing glycogen stores comes with a cose o improvement in performance depends on increasing storage and how much you raise rate of use o if you store 20 more but use it 20 faster no benefit

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.25.13 kin 110 class notes

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