UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.20.13 Kin 110 class notes

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9 20 13 Kin 110 class notes Nancy Clark o Monday September 30th 2 00 2 30 to meet students o 2 30 3 30 at the Mullins Center talking Why can t we get energy by eating grass Food contains energy as carbohydrate protein and fat o Plant based foods are mostly carbohydrates and water o Animal based foods are mostly proteins and fat low carbohydrates o All CHO not equal Basic categories o Simple sugars o Complex carbohydrates o Common simple sugars Honey jelly beans cake ice cream cookies o Glucose Blood sugar Currency of sugar that you use o Fructose o Sucrose Table sugar 50 glucose 50 fructose o Lactose Glucose galactose Milk sugar o Simple sugars already in absorbable form So they TEND to be absorbed quickly not always o High fructose corn syrup saves money but is bad for people s health Only natural foods high in simple sugars are honey and berries o People now consume a lot more than they used to Most simple sugar from processed food o Candy o Ice cream o Sodas Complex Cho are many simple sugars linked together o Polymer of simple sugars o Most common in diet is starch o Glucoses linked by alpha bonds Makes a difference in digestion Starch is energy form for plants o Human equivalent is glycogen o Grains Pasta more natural Fruity pebbles unnatural o Some vegetables potatoes o And beans Synthetic complex CHO s o Dextrin maltodextrin energy bars o Starch made from a chemical company instead of naturally o Chemical forms of starch o They are also polymers of glucose linked by alpha bonds Digestible CHO o Contains 4 kcals gram o Doesn t matter if its simple sugar or complex CHO as long as you can digest it o Per g CHO not per gram of food o Ex Brown sugar Not any more natural than white sugar About 13 g of CHO 13 4 52 kcals o Ex Apple Lots of water no calories 10 g of CHO 4 40 kcal Dietary CHO and health o The term g o Diets spring up about restricting carbs Atkins South beach diet Carb restricted diets Toxic Revolves around term glycemic index Relative scale Glycemic index o Response o How blood sugar changes after eating the food o Property of person eating the food o It matters who the person is o Athlete vs couch potatoes Very different glycemic index o Pure glucose or white bread is GI 100 o The higher the blood glucose rises after eating the food the higher the Glycemic index GI blood glucose response to food o Blood glucose response to reference food glucose o Blood glucose vs time graphs Glucose Lentils 40 of glucose o the amount of carbs starch and sugars in the reference and test foods must be the same G index o 70 high GI o 55 medium GI o 55 low GI Most people believe sometimes wrong o Simple sugars quickly absorbed high glycemic index o Complex CHO are slowly absorbed low glycemic index o Generally true o BUT potatoes complex CHO GI 93 o Fructose simple sugar GI 48 low Other factors change GI o 47 bananas eat it while its greenish low o 68 bananas eat it while its perfectly ripe medium o 82 bananas eat it while its brown and spotted high o other things combined with CHO fat protein fiber make HUGE difference o GI of foods depends on more than just simple sugar of complex CHO Depends on How its cooked How much you exercise Ripeness Your personal characteristics What is dietary fiber o Complex CHO o Two forms Insoluble fiber mainly cellulose Soluble fiber mainly gums pectin hemicellulose Jams jellies oat brand Lowers blood cholesterol typically Cellulose like starch is a polymer of glucose molecules o Fiber indigestible by human enzymes o Beta bonds Links are slightly different Completely indigestible 0 kcal per gram because you can t digest it Fiber contains NO energy You cannot live by eating grass o Its primarily cellulose o Beta bonds in cellulose are indigestible and contain no energy

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UMass Amherst KIN 110 - 9.20.13 Kin 110 class notes

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