Pitt PSY 0160 - Exploring the Unconscious
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Personality Psychology Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture Sigmund Freud View of humans Focus on sexual and aggressive urges Structure of the mind Psychosexual stages Freud theory influence Brucke Favor biology instead of vitalism Instincts Drives Life instinct libido Death instinct thanatos Influences on Freud Charcot Salpetriere Women s Asylum Hypnosis Suggestibility Unconscious mind Free association Mind as Energy System Energy in mind can be blocked from expression Homeostatic goal Influences on Freud Breuer Free association under hypnosis Catharsis Anna O Freud history These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Psychoanalysis 1900 Interpretation of dreams 1901 Psychopathology of Everyday life Iceberg model of mind Freudian slips Exploring the Unconscious Free association Dream analysis Transference Outline of Current Lecture Exploring the Unconscious Projective tests o Rorschach inkblot test o Thematic Apperception Test Model of the Mind Structural components Id Superego Ego Anxiety Defense Mechanisms Denial Repression Projection Rationalization Sublimation Displacement Isolation Reaction formation Current Lecture Exploring the Unconscious continued Projective tests assessment tools used by psychoanalytic researchers therapists o o o o o Person taking test is unconsciously projecting unconscious material on test items they re presented with Test items evoke expression of unconscious material Test taker presented with ambiguous stimuli and asked to explain what they see meant to tap into unconscious mind Rorschach Inkblot test Swiss psychiatrist came up with 10 inkblots Colored blots meant to draw on emotional content Test taker writes down what they see afterwards the analyst asks test taker to explain how they see it pay attention to patterns in what the test takers seeing can tell about persons personality psychopathology Precept what person sees the more typical the identification of whats being seen is the less likely they have a disorder if see pattern of violent sexual things probably have disorder Valid IF believe in concept of unconscious and is important part of mind questionable validity and reliability Thematic Apperception Test TAT series of cards with a drawing present cards 1 at a time and ask them whats happening in the picture and what happened just before this and what happens next Also a CAT for children based on idea that this will give information on what is in persons unconscious Cards tend to draw on sexual aggressive content Person is really talking about themselves when they explain the stories project aspects of themselves into what they say about whats happening in the cards Model of Mind Structural components 1923 Freud Id unconscious present at birth o Selfish impulsive pleasure loving avoids pain not moral with no filters o Pleasure principle motivated by satisfying desires Seeks gratification through action or fantasies o Primary process thinking thinking without logical rules not anchored in reality but anchored in pleasure principle Dreams fantasies Id will develop dream to partially satisfy it if desire cant be attained Superego mix of preconscious conscious unconscious conscience develops in young childhood o Sense of right and wrong o Internal representation of external social morals and rules Ethical standards o Functions to control behavior in accordance with rules o Partially function of environment that influences o opposite of ID sometimes they clash o guilt feelings from superego because tells you what shouldn t do Ego part conscious and unconscious develops in childhood o Operates on reality principle Recognizes you cant do everything you want to do all the time o Satisfy ID desires and superego demands tension that exists when demands are in opposition anxiety Devil vs angel on shoulder Process causes anxiety o Secondary process thinking problem solving to be able to obtain some level of satisfaction taking reality into account of when and how to satisfy a desire urge Done with awareness consciousness intended actions o Is a restrainer o takes energy to inhibit a desire mind as energy system All structures interact with each other Anxiety Id superego reality of situation Balancing all of this leads to anxiety which may cause symptoms o Hysteria depression etc Symptoms caused by ego trying to do its job but ego isn t well developed enough or isn t doing its job well or energy of mind is being used up by past trauma so ego doesn t have enough mental energy to work with Defense Mechanisms Tool ego uses to balance id superego and reality Always unconscious Ways to distort reality and exclude feelings from awareness reduces anxiety Necessary but overuse of a mechanism is bad Denial refuse to believe acknowledge something threatening o Healthy if short lived denying reality helpful coping strategy Repression unconsciously pushing feelings thoughts out of awareness o suppression consciously doing it Projection projecting personally unacceptable feelings onto someone else Rationalization acknowledge behavior feelings but reinterpret it to hide our true motivations to make feelings behavior more acceptable to ourselves Sublimation take sexual aggressive urges and channel them into something more socially acceptable not aware that youre doing it o Instead of sex go for a run to let out aggressive energy o Channel energy you cant unconsciously want to act on into something else Displacement feel angry at someone but cant express your anger at that person so take it out on someone else o Ex Cant lash out at your boss at work so go home and yell at someone when at home Isolation mentally isolate something threatening anxiety producing by separating feelings from our thinking o Intellectualization If someone you know has cancer and you research it thoroughly and then when you talk about it only talk about all the facts you learned about it o Undoing mentally try to undo what we cant tolerate that we did happened if only I would have done so wouldn t have happened Reaction formation what person does is the opposite of what theyre feeling o o If someone does something extreme its suggestion that theyre doing this Ex Someone whos super religious and super against sex before marriage has sex Stressful events unacceptable thoughts and feelings overuse of defense mechanisms neuroticism and symptoms If have stress in lives have less mental

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