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Section 2 The Book industry Banned book week protection of children o Where the wild things are scary o Harry potter un holy o To kill a mocking bird racism o Catcher in the Rye inappropriate Why are these books treated different o Influence on the reader o Knowledge is found in books Remove ban the negative books Books as cultural value why censorship o Has heavy influence in culture 2012 33billion in revenue Major categories books o El hi higher ed university press o Professional o Mass market paperbacks Slow growth with average HH spending Book industry trends o 80 sales from 8 major companies The Penguin Group Bantam Doubleday Dell Time warner Publishing Farrar Straus Giroux Hearst Books Harcourt General HarperCollins o Pros Simon Schuster o Trade juvenile and adult fiction non fiction cook books biographies coffee table Convergence the erosion of traditional distinctions among media o E publishing e books e readers POD Conglomeration the increase in the ownership of media outlets by non media companies Rich parent company can infuse the publishing house w necessary capital attracting better authors o Cons Corporate parent s other media holdings can promote repackage books for greater profit Product quality suffers as important editing and production steps are eliminated to maximize profits Less attention to detail and tradition Emphasis on profit and commercialism o Blockbuster mentality business concerns dominate artistic considerations o Subsidiary rights the sale of a book its contents and even its characters to outside interests such as filmmakers paperback publishers book clubs foreign publishers and product producers T shirt coffee cup poster etc o Instant books books published very soon after some well publicized public event Ex William and Kate A Royal Love Story was written within 48 hours after their engagement was announced o Paid product placements Ex Cross Dressing by Bill Fitzhugh Seagram liquor o Mom Pop book stores are bought out by chains such as Barnes and Nobel or Books A Changes in book retailing Million o Mom Pop chain book stores struggle to compete with Online retailers Amazon Discount Stores Target Walmart Costco Electronic books Brief history of magazines Early industry colonial America to Civil War mid 18th to mid 19th century o Magazines are a form of media between books and newspapers o First magazines to appear 1741 Ben Franklin first to come up with idea of magazine but published it second 2nd General Magazine Andrew Bradford steals Ben Franklin s idea of a magazine and published before Franklin 1st American Magazine o In 1865 there were 700 magazines publishing In 1885 there were more than 3 300 o By 1945 32 million families subscribing Era of mass circulation Mid 19th to mid 20th century o Why growth Expansion of magazines came by Increased literacy Cheaper postage Postal Act of 1879 Spread of railroads carried magazines westward from the East Coast Industrialization more jobs so people had more money to spend on magazines o Characteristics General interest Mass audience National relevance Visually superior o Thus first true national medium o Social importance muckraking a form of crusading journalism that primarily used magazines to agitate for change Since early 1950s specialization o Radio and Television was covering everything magazines used to cover General interests Mass audiences National relevance Visually superior o Further specialized through split runs special versions of a given issue in which editorial content and ads vary according to some specific demographic or regional grouping o Magazines are specialized for specific audiences Narrowed for specialization and a lifestyle orientation Targeting of women Cosmo Better homes and garden Magazine industry today o Circulation the total number of issues of a magazine that are sold Magazines price advertising space in their pages based on circulation Types of circulation Subscriptions Single copies Controlled circulation refers to providing a magazine at no cost to readers who meet some specific set of advertiser attractive criteria ex Free airline and hotel magazines United Airlines Hemisphere custom publishing specifically designed publications for an individual company seeking to reach a narrowly defined audience o Income 55 comes from advertising 32 comes from subscriptions 13 comes from single copies sold 2008 30 billion in revenue 2011 28 billion in revenue 71 from advertising 21 from subscription 8 from single copies sold Greater reliance on advertisement revenue o 2012 20 707 US Magazines o 3 major categories Industrial Company Sponsored Trade Professional and Business A magazine that is produced for employees of that company Ex AARP The Magazine highest circulation in US 22 million in 2011 Put out for employees of a specific type of industry Paid subscription Ex Progressive Farmer for farmers Ex Publishers Writers for publishers and writers Consumer Titles 7 300 titles in 2011 Highest paid circulation in US 7 6 mil Better Homes and Gardens Second Game Informer 5 9 mil Third Readers Digest 92 of all adults in US 96 25 years Opposite of newspapers 92 African Americans 92 Asian Americans 86 Hispanic Americans Readership slightly as you age o Who Reads o How Much All US adults 10 4 issues month 15 1 for African Americans 10 8 for Asian Americans 11 3 for Hispanics Americans Advertising Editorial 54 8 60 50 40 46 0 Magazine Industry Trends o Convergence Some online only ex Slate 1994 Salon 1996 but hard to make Traditional magazines online Smartphones tablets and e readers Smartphones and tablets now make hard copy magazines more attractive to readers and advertisers now that QR Codes Quick Response Codes small black But printed is still important and white squares that appear on many special media surfaces that direct mobile device users to a specific website to increase engagement appear on virtually all consumer magazines Even easier to use are NFC Near field communication chips tags embedded in magazines that connect readers to advertisers digital content when they simply hold their smartphones near an ad 60 of readers 14 say they pay more attention to print advertising in magazines than any type of online advertising 8 in 10 who have online access to their favorite magazine say they prefer the printed version 70 admit that they enjoy reading print magazines even though they know they can find most of the same information online 55 of web magazine readers continue to subscribe

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FSU MMC 2000 - The Book industry

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Exam 3

Exam 3

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7

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Unit	3

Unit 3

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Test 2

Test 2

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Exam #1

Exam #1

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