used the term Internet Gibson 4 Marshall Mcluhan 6 Babbage s Difference Engine 7 Babbage s Analytical Engine 8 Ada Countess of Lovelace MMC Exam 3 Internet Study online at quizlet com 1bw51r 1 Internet A global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information 2 Who first Vint Cerf and Bob Khan in 1974 11 UNIVAC 1951 Universal Automatic Computer the first commercially used computer 3 William The godfather of cyberspace Created the global village which means that as media shrinks the world people become increasingly involved in one another s lives 5 Charles Babbage Englishman who is known as the originator of the computer 1920s A machine that computed mathematical tables with greater accuracy than human computers 12 What IBM company ignited the commercial computer explosion 13 When did 1981 Used to predict presidential elections and was so good that people could not believe it Was used on election night 1952 which predicted a landslide win by Eisenhower however the polls did not predict this Eisenhower did win by a landslide and was off by 1 of the results They helped businesses find their way in the early days of the computer revolution Sold computers would not rent to customers A second version of the difference engine It had many components of the modern computer but was never commissioned The first programmer and the daughter of Lord Byron Understood Babbage she studied mathematics as a child and was very educated She published a simple description of the difference engine 9 Colossus First electronic digital computer 1942 Enigma was used by Germans to encode messages and Collosus built by allies was used to crack these codes in WWII IBM introduce the PC 14 Advanced Research Projects Agency ARPA 15 What invention prompted the creation of ARPA The Internet was around for 12 years before the personal computer came out Founded in 1958 and was commissioned by Paul Baran of the Ran Corporation to produce a plan that would enable the U S military to maintain command over its missiles and planes if a nuclear attack knocked out conventional means of communication 1957 Sputnik was sent into space by the Russians This concerned the US on how to keep up with computing They had just 1 computer and if someone destroyed that computer it was gone Reduced information to binary code a code made up of digits 1 and 0 16 E mail 1972 An extension of depositing information on someone else s computers 10 ENIAC 1945 1946 Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator The first giant or full service computers The first program was created by Ray Tomlinson Introduced by John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert Bellovin 17 Steve Created USENET and BITNET Was an entire room consisting of one computer with multiple people standing in front of it plugging things in Very fast 100 seconds for 1 computation Both enabled virtually anybody with access to a Unix or IBM computer to connect to others on the growing network 18 USENET 1979 Precursor to discussion boards Took the Internet outside of the scientific and military group of people and into the personal use The alternative category was used to post non work related stuff People then realized how much fun it was to use this technology for non work purposes 31 Internet Service Providers ISPs 32 Voice over 19 TCP IP 1973 Protocol or a way that computers interact and talk to each other Led to packets which still underlie our Internet activities today Companies that offer Internet connections at monthly rates depending on the kind and amount of access needed Data that makes up an e mail message is split into single units by the IP portion of TCP IP IP also adds header information to each packet The TCP portion of TCP IP reassembles the packets in the correct order and ensures that all packets have arrived undamaged Internet Protocol VoIP Telephone whereby calls are transferred in digital packets over the Internet rather than on circuit switched telephone wires Any corporation can make calls without paying the phone company 33 Browsers Take separate files and put them all together for viewing 20 Packets Idea of taking a message and braking it into little pieces 34 Search Engines 21 Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak Creators of Apple II a low cost easy to use microcomputer designed specifically for personal rather than business use Software that allows users to navigate the Net simply by entering a search word and pointing and clicking at the resulting on screen menus 35 Binary Logic There are only two possible states that a computer can be in Multimedia capabilities included advanced sound and image applications 1984 It included the GUI which was created by Apple not Microsoft 36 Analog Logic 37 Digital Logic Has intermittent signals Notion that we should have icons on a desktop Made the computer assessable to the average person Before people had to understand programming languages Created in 1985 to link people in business and education 38 Modem 39 Hosts 40 URL Uniform Resource Locator Internet Relay Chat The beginning of chatting on the Internet 41 Domain 26 Instant Messaging IM Real time version of email allowing two or more people to communicate instantaneously and in immediate response to one another 27 Who Tim Berners Lee 42 How many 2 3 billion 1 3 of world s population On 1 Off 0 A continuous signal that changes in strength Translated the phone signal analog to the computer digital so that they can communicate with other computers A computer that links other computers to the Internet and holds the websites that people have created A location or address identifying where documents can be found on the Internet a Web address The name given to a website Examples com org We are running out of good domains Asia has the most users but a low penetration rate of 27 while North America has the highest penetration but not the highest users 59 of all adults use social media The younger you are the more you use it Only about 40 of people 65 and older use social media on a regular basis but 90 of teenagers and younger generation use social media on a regular basis Internet users were there worldwide in 2012 43 How does age effect Internet use today An open source search engine It provided categories and a search box Netscape used this logic to create Firefox Mosaic was the grandfather of Firefox Local area networks connecting two or more computers within the same building Wide area networks connecting several LANs in different
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