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MMC200 Test 3 Study Guide Tues nov 4 Internet read slides watch video make notes on slide most popular online activities 11 6 14 Internet Most popular online activities o most popular sites in the US o 1 Google 185 2 mil visitors o 2 Youtube 160 1 social networks o 17 of all online minutes spent on social networks o Facebook Dominates Launched in 2004 By 2012 had 845 mil 1 3 of the world internet population 1 tril page views month China blocks facebook o Twitter Launched in 2006 300 mil users important to social movements use of twitter during tv viewing live tweeting twitter tv ratings by neilsen how many tweets were being sent out during a tv show o 59 of all adults use social media o 65 40 uses internet internet www trends o new tech utopia vs dystopia dystopian perspective this thought that new technology will lead to more problems ex video games will cause kids to not play outside utopia perspective new technologies can make us better o Utopian examples McLuhan s global village Wrote about tv in the 60 s and 70 s how it may impact society positively Common story to talk about that might bring people together and create global village Bring issues out into the open provide a forum After internet and further tech came out people started appreciating his ideas Idea that new technologies will bring us together Utopian hope vision for new technology Virtual democracy Early 1990s as the world wide web took off Can give us direct contact to our senators president ect powerful 1 Better able to connect with leaders and become more 2 Ability to hold virtual forums town hall meetings o Streaming the town hall meetings 3 Greater access to information to help us be informed citizens 4 online voting access to information information is capital provides us the ability to become very knowledgeable futher empowers us to cure cancer become an elected official ect whatever you want to do you can do it because you have access to this information learn how to do certain things o dystopian issues with access digital divide technology gap o people who have less education at a much lower rate then people do with more o ppl with less money have lower rate then ppl with more o technological gap if someone doesn t have a computer at home gets better grade gets scholarship all because he has an ownership of computer information knowledge gap o if you don t have the technology you will not have the information o people at lower economic status don t know as o 1st amendment issues much citizen journalists as 4th estate but truthfulness Credibility new technology has empowered us to illuminate things freedom of expression but hate speech Children s access to porn we can be a part of a conversation we can experess ourselves in new ways on mass people can use that freedom of expression for hate speech cyber bullying children s access to porn user generated content but happy slapping happy slapping videos of people slapping someone for humor the idea of going up and hitting one of your friends could be bad show people being murdered kill people to just get video viral o privacy issues privacy of communication 1984 electronic communication privacy act o legally your emails are private o anything on fsus email is open to look at Go to court and ask for a permission fsu servers as well Email privacy Privacy of information o Dataveillance The info that one company steals and sells to another company Through the internet small files called cookies get placed on your computer o What information o Opt in opt out You have to give the site permission to sell the info before they use it Ex terms and conditions Ex loyalty cards at starbucks collects data from you when you use them Ex when you browse on the internet and are logged in on facebook they connect and give you ads of what you searched for So companies can market to you correctly We all click on the terms and agreements but do we care that this info is being gathered The desire to partake in the internet overrides the privacy issue The consequence o Why collected o Do you care o The desire to have our information decreases as you get older o Net neutrality No one is above anyone else All of the info on the web is equal Charge you more based on the kind of info you access Historically the internet has always been a neutral place Last mile infrastructer We put this connection to your house we have control o

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FSU MMC 2000 - Test 3

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