MMC Exam 2 Study Guide Books Cont Question Why have books been banned in the past o Books instigate certain thoughts that have the potential to be dangerous o People associate books with knowledge o Content rating is inaccurate for books o Books encourage THOUGHT Trade Books pleasure reading o Juvenile adult fiction non fiction etc o Aliteracy Possessing the ability to read but choosing not to Convergence of books o E publishing e books e readers POD o We can get them cheaper or move rapidly o Changes the way we interact with the texts and could effect the way we live our lives and our culture Conglomeration of books o 80 sales from 8 major companies Pros Cons larger companies have more money can pay their authors more have more distributing connections easier to put them on the market Becomes another thing we do to make money Money becomes a driving factor Lack of emphasis on the art and culture of books Subsidiary rights o The rights that come with my primary work that I can sell to expand the work that other companies can purchase Example I made Jurassic Park the movie Sell rights to McDonalds to make toys Sell to Monopoly to make a JP game o The selection of who they sell it to is based more on money than the art cultural value of the product being produced Changes in book retailing o Transition from mom pop stores to larger stores like Borders Books a million etc o Now supermarkets such as Target Cosco and Walmart are causing large bookstores to close 1st Power Point Magazines Differences between Magazines vs Newspapers and Books Newspapers vs Magazines o Timeliness o Topics chosen for magazines are more of a story rather than a listing of facts o Different style of writing o Designs are different Magazines emphasize more on pictures o Magazines are entertainment driven o Magazines have more opinions in their writings o Magazines introduced works of fiction to the mass media environment o Periodicity both are referred to as periodicals however newspapers are published more frequently compared to magazines Brief History of Magazines 19th Century Early industry Colonial America to Civil War Mid 18th to mid o First to appear 1741 o Ben Franklin was first to think of idea but was not the first to publish o Characteristics Targeted at elite intellectuals Heavy political and literary content Limited local circulation NYC and Philly Era of mass circulation mid 19th to mid 20th Century o 1865 700 publishing 1885 3 000 o 1945 32 million families subscribing o Why growth Increased literacy Targeting of women Cosmo Homes and garden etc Cheaper postage and prices Spread of railroads Industrialization Radio and television were introduced and affected the magazine industry Changed their content from general to specialized sports illustrated health wellness etc Now they know which types of readers are buying and now advertisers can easily target consumers Specialized for different demographics Era of mass circulation mid 19th to mid 20th Century o Characteristics General interest Mass audience National relevance Visually superior o Thus first true national mass medium o Social importance muckraking o Since early 1950s specialization Magazine Industry Today 2008 30 billion in revenue 55 Advertising 32 Subscriptions 13 Single copy 2011 28 billion in 2011 71 21 8 2012 20 707 US magazines National Directory of Magazines 3 major categories o Industrial company and sponsored Ex Walmart magazine about the company and it s direction AARP The Magazine Highest circulation in US 22 million in 2011 o Trade professional and business Magazine that focuses on a particular type of industry Gives job trends etc Examples Progressive Farmers Publisher Weekly o Consumer 7 300 titles in 2011 1st Better Home and Gardens 2nd Game Informer 3rd Reader s Digest Who reads 2012 data from Association of Magazine Media magazine org o 92 all adults in US 96 25 years o 92 African Americans 92 Asian Americans 86 Hispanics Americans o Readership slightly as you age How much o All US adults 10 4 issues month o 15 1 for African Americans 10 8 for Asian Americans 11 3 for Hispanics Americans Media Industry Trends Where is the Magazine Industry Headed o Convergence Online Traditional magazines online But printed still important Some online only ex Slate Salon but hard to make o Competition from other media Advantage of subscriber lists Sell your info to advertisers so they can directly advertise o Advertorials Magazine content that is actually an ad NATIVE to you ADVERTISING Questionable marketing 2nd Power Point Film Early Film Pioneers o Technology Maybridge Zoopraxiscope 1877 Made a bet that when horses gallop all four legs are Realized if you look rapid succession the horse off the ground appears to move Edison Kinetograph 1888 Kinetoscope 1891 Essmon Kodak developed film Lumier Brothers Cin matographe 1895 The true first inventors of modern cinema Wasn t meant to be for entertainment Used to share culture Content o M lies Brought narrative to motion pictures un voyage dans la lune 1902 o Porter USA developer of film The Great Train Robbery First to edit a film 1903 12 mins long used a couple cameras o Nickelodeons No more than 12 minute long films Cost only 5 cents Edison Trust Motion Pictures Patent Company Edison controlled the majority of the film industry cost rules and regulations such as length content lighting and even distribution houses etc o Vertical Integration When one company owns basically everything from the beginning to the end of distribution Anti trust laws to help break up monopolies Model that started in the film industry Film Creators disagreed with Edison Trust o Got physically as far away from Edison NY as possible and went to Hollywood o D W Griffith Set new standard of what film could actually be Most influential film Birth of a Nation Introduced an example of epic films First to focus on people s faces and add CU shots Film Industries evolve o Wild popularity 1920 1928 Before the world war and great depression By mid 20s thousands of theatres opened in the US The way the film creators in Hollywood set up their studios were identical to the Edison Trust in a way that matched his vertical integration Movie goers o 1930s there were about 70 of Americans going to the movie theatres every week Introduced in the 1920s Talkies movies with voices First actual movie with dialogue The Jazz Singer 25 39 years old usually are frequent movie go ers frequent 1 month or more Shift in the movie industry from
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