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Mass Media Final Study Guide World Wide Web and Internet In class Origins o Early computers did not communicate with one another o ARPA formed by president Eisenhower o NASA doesn t mean computer science o Kleinrock demanded access and distributed control o Baran hot potato network and packet switching o Taylor resource sharing Built at Universities intended for science o Philosophy open access sharing and communication o IMPs developed o 1969 ARPANet formed w 4 computers UCLA Stanford Cal Santa Barbara Utah o 1971 18 computers on the network o 1972 ARPANet 1st demonstrated in DC o Major problems to overcome Phone Lines Computers not designed to run all the time Determining where network problems occur How to keep from overloading o Tomlinson invents e mail chooses sign Growing Internet o NSF required organizations to be on ARPANet to get grants o Number of LANs and WANs nationwide grows o Importance of TCP IP o 1983 TCP IP accepted as universal standard o 1992 Pres Bush removes gov t control allows individuals and businesses to join Have about 50 web pages o 1993 Andreessen develops Mosaic later to be Netscape as 1st graphic based web browser Internet Today o 2 3 billion users WW 1 3 of world s population o Most users in Asia 1076 mil Europe 518 mil then North America 274 mil o Internet penetration rates North America 79 Oceania Australia 68 Europe 63 o Demographic Men 85 Women 84 Blacks 85 White 86 Hispanics slightly lower 76 Most are ages 18 29 98 Higher education more internet use college 96 Higher income more internet use 75 000 96 Urban Suburban 86 Rural slightly lower 80 o Popular activities 91 email search 84 get directions 81 check weather 74 no specific reason 71 buy products 65 travel plans 61 bank get political news o Most popular sites Google 185 mill YouTube 160 mill Facebook 149 5 mill o 17 of all online minutes spent on social media o Social media used to generate buzz to sell products or get more viewers o Facebook 2004 by 2012 had 845 mill 1 3 of world internet population 1 trillion pas views per month o Twitter 2006 300 million users Importance of social movements used as source for news stories Nielson media measures amount of tweets during a TV program o 59 of all adults used social media use in all age groups is increasing o 40 of those adults 65 years use social media o New tech utopia vs dystopia o McLuhan s global village people all over can watch the same thing at the same time allowing for community by providing a forum for discussion o Virtual democracy Connect with gov t leaders through social media and email Hold virtual forums i e town hall meetings screened online Viewers can send in questions and online voting Greater access to info BUT not every has access access digital divide haves have nots Internet Web Trends o Technology gap some have computers while others who do not are at an disadvantage o Info knowledge gap some may not know how to operate tech o 1st Amendment issues Citizen journalists as 4th estate BUT truthfulness Credibility Freedom of expression BUT hate speech Children s access to porn User generated content BUT happy slapping pain as humor o Privacy issues 1984 Electronic Communication Act Dataveillance collection distillation then distribution of your personal info sold to other companies i e cookies save your preferences and are sold so companies can market to your interests Opt in Opt out 2002 changed to opt in where you have to give site permission to sell your info Before you had to opt out to not have info sold Collected info to market to you directly and create huge databases conspiracies Young people age 18 24 care less 55 don t 45 do Net neutrality internet service providers AT T Comcast etc gov t should treat all data on internet equally No discrimination or charging differently by user site platform application etc Telecommunication companies cable companies want to push away from NN Online platforms Amazon Ebay etc push in favor of NN Copyright Intellectual property Concerns about being permanently online Textbook Babbage originator of the computer work in mid 1880s provided inspiration 1st electronic digital computer Colossus developed by the British to break Germans for those to follow secret codes during WWII o Binary code a code that reduced info to be made up of digits 1 and 0 Info could be stored and manipulated 1st full service electronic computer ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator o Based on work of Atanasoff o Introduced by Mauchly Eckert 1946 1st successful commercial computer UNIVAC Universal Automatic Computer o By Mauchly Eckert at Remington Rand Corporation o Bought and used by Census Bureau 1951 Leaders of PC revolution Gates and duo of Jobs Wozniak o Licensed their operating system o Development of multi media capabilities advanced sound and image Internet as the network of networks LANs Local Area Networks connect 2 or more computers usually in the same building and WANs Wide Area Networks connect several LANs in different locations o Growth of internet has grown the number of ISPs Internet Service applications Providers Voice over Internet Protocol VoIP telephone whereby calls are transferred in digital packets over the internet rather than on circuit switched telephone wires HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocols the heart of the World Wide Web used to transfer files from one place to another o By Berners Lee 1990s gave for free to help people work together URL Uniform Source Locator the site s official address Each file or directory on the internet is designated a URL Mobile most used when Lying in bed 67 Waiting for something 47 Digital natives people who have never known a world without internet Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1998 passed by congress to deal with copyright Watching TV 39 on the internet o Goal was to bring U S copyright law into compliance with the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO HQ in Switzerland Electronic Communication Privacy Act 1986 guarantees privacy of citizen s private email gov t cannot listen in without court ordered permission and service providers cannot share any stored electronic communication Encryption electronic encoding or masking of info that can be deciphered only by a recipient with the decrypting key Radio Frequency Identification RFID chip Augmented Reality AR and Cloud Computing new technology that pose additional privacy problems o RFID microchip in consumer product Allows for greater inventory control and lower labor costs

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FSU MMC 2000 - Mass Media Final Study Guide

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