Psychology of Personality Final Exam Study Guide PSY0160 What are the four stages of psychosexual development o Answer Oral anal phallic and latency Who created the four stages of psychosexual development and when do most people face this Define Personality o Answer Freud Most people face the stages in child hood o Answer Something inside a person that produces consistent behavior across situations and over time What are the two components of personality o Answer The ID and the EGO Define the ID Define the EGO o Answer A pleasure principle that produces the primary process o Answer A reality principle that produces the secondary process Name 4 Defense Mechanisms o Answer Repression Denial Intellectualization and Displacement Define Repression o When one pulls into the unconscious What is the most common defense mechanism o Repression Define displacement o When one takes out emotional frustrations on less threatening things Are defense mechanisms dangerous to use Explain o Yes according to Freud they require permanent investment of energy from the ego Define personality type o The psychological classification of different types of humans Who created type A and type B personality theory o Meyer Friedman Define the characteristics of a type A personality o Stress junkies competitors high risk of coronary disease Define the characteristics of a type B personality o Relaxed less competitive less risk of coronary disease Define AB Mixed Profile o When one person can switch off between type A and type B personality Define psychoanalytic theories components of personality Who founded psychoanalytic theories o These theories explain behavior in terms of the interactions of many o They explain personality in terms of the effects of external stimuli on Who suggested the forces of memory and emotions work together with environmental influences and was a social learning theorist What theory corresponds with dealing with different ways in which people o Freud What principle does the ID act according to o The pleasure principle What principle does the EGO act according to o Reality Principle Define behaviorists one s behavior Who developed the behaviorist theory o B F Skinner o Albert Bandura explain life events o Attributional style theory What is PCP o Personal Construct Theory Who developed PCP o George Kelly Define Humanistic Psychology behave Who wrote the Abnormal Personality Robert White o Says people have free will and that this plays a role in seeing how they
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