MMC2000 Exam 2 Film History of Motion Picture Early Pioneers late 19th century 20th Century Main goals of movies was to make money entertain Maybridge s zoopraxiscope Maybridge made a bet that during a race all of a horse s hooves were 1877 off the ground at the same time Proved it by setting up still cameras and created the zoopraxiscope to animate the still images so they played back and could be watched Edison and Dickson Kinetoscope A device that one person can look at that displayed 40 still photos 1891 animated into a mini film First video display techniques still used in 2D animation today 1st true movie projector on large screen for multiple to view at the Lumiere Brothers Cinematographe 1895 same time 1st movie was of a train coming into the station people got scared and left theater b c they thought it was real The first narratives were created by Melies Porter Melies 1st movie artist introduced multiple camera angles Porter used a mobile camera for more exciting shots The Great Train Robbery 1st movie with a story movies only a few minutes long easy to produce short movies that cost 5 cents to watch Made films a new model of entertainment Controversial film that showed racist ideas Other filmmakers responded with films of their own to bring social Griffith s Birth of a Nation 1915 Nickelodeons issues to the limelight Early Studios 1st attempt to structure movies MMPC Motion Picture Pattern Company Created by Edison Took most successful producers studios to form an organization Set a standard for motion pictures Rules were set by the wealthy majority Nicknamed the trust Filmmakers who opposed MMPC left for California Established Hollywood Caused the film industry to be what it is today opposite of past Evolution of the Industry Early 20th century to present when it comes to geography 1 MMC2000 Exam 2 During WWII European filmmakers began moving to the US After the war there was a desire to send US movies abroad Silent to Talkies Silent movies were accompanies by a pianist who played music in the theater while the film showed Text was written on the bottom of the screen Initiation of sound came in late 20s Most silent actors couldn t transition to talkies so they were replaced MMPDA Hays Office Price of movies increased but so did the amount of viewers MMPDA Motion Picture Producers and Directors Formed by Hays Censorship in films new standards How long a kiss should lass no profanity dress length limits Avoid scandalous Films should be focused on education entertainment tried to control movie star in their everyday lives to avoid scandals Fines of up to 25k for violations 1930s The Great Depression new movie genres were created documentaries gangster films musicals musicals were popular to offer an escape from the negativities of life Theaters would offer 2 for 1 on movies which brought down the price of Vertical Integration going to the movies The 2nd films were B films less popular as the features studios controlled every aspect of the movie making process 1948 The Supreme Court ruled that it represented a monopoly so business model adopted by film industry where massive studios were broken apart 1970 Supreme Court overruled the prior decision for partial VI Politics affected industries with anti communist movement Red Scare President McCarthy put filmmakers actors on blacklist Development of Television Brought movies to the home which led to a reinvention of the movie industry Huge movies images were so large they wouldn t look good on TV Ex Ben Hur Message Movies Brought harsh commentary about racial perspectives privacy moral messages displayed throughout film After WWII other controversial issues Ex To Kill a Mockingbird Special Effects freeze frame Film Industry Today 7 major film studios in the US 2 MMC2000 Exam 2 accounts for 80 90 of annual box office revenues independent films like Juno as well rare for true independent films to be successful but its possible ex King s Speech 3 Component System Production Quantity pricing 700 feature length films year with 80 making it to theaters movies cost 100mil on average Spiderman cost 500mil directors are less inclined to take creative risks in order to ensure a profit Distribution Marketing Green Lighting Process where a marketing team will tell the director to make changes so the film is more marketable Think about international success Marketing budget 50 of total budget 50 for production Rollout Strategies Normal rollout Platform rollout movie opens in a very limited number of theaters decide date to release a film then begin exporting to DVD TV when sales decline Take this route when not sure if the movie will be popular Or to spark hype Ex Brokeback Mountain overcome controversy King s Speech couldn t afford a big budget rollout Exhibition where we are watching the films Large portion of movie theater revenue comes from concessions Convergence screen TV DVD Online distribution of films Conglomeration commercialization few studios own many major Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time overthrowing Titanic Concept films simple plot easy to advertise to international market companies Ex Twister King Kong Franchise films movies movie Merchandising tie ins specifically designed with the intention of future products made for sale that are taken from a Advertising Readers like ads because of they re visually pleasing Magazines 3 MMC2000 Exam 2 Ads are more interruptive than other media 50 of magazine revenue comes from ads 30 billion annually Readership 92 of adults read magazines the older you get the less likely you are to read magazines 4 main ethnicities who read magazines are white Hispanic Asian Black magazines target younger people Most magazines have different versions of the same issues Modify information ads to target audiences in different geographical Split Runs areas Advertorials advertisements made to look like content Ratio of adds to content is 50 50 More likely to believe an advertorial if you re younger Advertising Influencing Content Magazines edit content based on request of big companies who are Complimentary copy placing a positive article about a product next to a paying money for their advertisements to be in the magazines company s advertisement for their product Paints a positive light for the product helps sell the product Ex Lexus ad next to a story talking about cars before publication they ll pull their advertisement Magazines cater to big companies Ad pull policy if a company
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