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MMC2000 Exam 2 Review Chapter 5 Magazines Magazines were a favorite medium of the British elite by the mid 1700 s and two prominent colonies printers hoped to duplicate the success in the new world In 1741 American Magazine Andrew Bradford and General Magazine Benjamin Franklin neither successful because distribution was difficult because of lack of postal service 1820 s magazines became more successful due to the increase in literacy and cheaper printing Cheaper printing and growing literacy field expansion of magazines just as they did with books The factors were spread because of social movements such as the labor reform finally were able to print something that people wanted to read about Journalism historians called this the time of significant beginnings Numerous and detailed illustrations began to fill the pages of magazines yellow journalism Mass circulation popular magazines began in the post civil war years 1865 700 mag 1870 1200 mag 1885 3300 mag CRUCIAL growth in women s magazine women s right to vote occupied its pages advertisers wanted to be in those magazines the postal act of 1879 permitted magazines to ship for cheap with a second class postage stamp lead to spread of railroad reduction in costs 35 cents to 10 15 cents this new price allowed tons of advertising as a result circulation rather than reputation became the most important factor in setting adver tising rates Magazines were truly America s first National Mass Medium Much like books they served as an important force in social change especially in the muck raking era of the first decades of the 20th century muckrakers exposed corruption ex Chicago the jungle exposing meat factories video muckrakers wrote long pieces of literature very accurate standard oil railroad abuses meat packing the public demanded the government do something after seeing it muckrackers mobilized the public investigative reporting Theodore Roosevelt coined the label as an insult but muckrakers wore it proudly Muckrakers targets were the powerful their beneficiaries were poor The Era of Specialization in 1965 collier s magazine became to first to cease publication their fate was sealed at the end of WW2 because of television Audiences changed WW2 changed the nature of America became more interested in narrow publications attracted an increasingly fragmented audience magazine readers are more attentive because they are more engaged unlike a lot of media consumers pay for magazines This is another form of engagement Professional magazines were specific to employees of the company An example of a consumer magazine is the New Yorker Consumer magazines can be obtained through subscriptions found in bookstores magazine stands etc Magazine specialization exists and succeeds because the demographically similar readership of these publications is attractive to advertisers Advertisers want to target ads for their products and services to those most likely to respond to them Dr Clayton theories that advertising in magazines remains lucrative because major advertisers are dominating space in magazines 360 million magazines sold every year in US The industry takes in more than 30 billion a year in revenue and about half of that amount is generated by advertising Leading advertisements toiletries and cosmetics specializaed through split runs Single sponsored magazines having only one advertiser through a whole issue guaranteed income allows for more content reduces clutter of competition Accountability guarantees a way of testing memory to a certain degree risky Types of Circulation Magazine price advertising space in their pages is based on circulation 68 of sales are subscription or single copy a third form of circulation is controlled circulation controlling readers demographics just to tap into specific audiences Measuring Circulation problem with measuring circulation in 1914 was there was no digital editions Pass along readership does not buy the magazine but reads it library doctor Even though the number of ad pages has been declining total readership of American con sumer magazines continue to grow This is part of convergence Online magazines have emerged made possible by convergence of magazines and the inter net Advertorials Print publications have struggled with advertising because of Native Advertising which is content disguised by advertising Less than half of readers can tell the differ between content and advertising ence Ad pull policy the demand for an advance review of a magazine s content with the threat of pulled advertising if dissatisfied with that content Chapter 6 Film History Conscience history of film 1824 Peter Mark Rojey persistence of vision when a series of pictures is displayed quick enough it is seen as a moving image flip book illusion Zoetrope created in the first century by the chinese rotating cylinder with imagines The magic lantern no origin a simpllistic slide projector Mixed zoetrope and magic lantern was the start of cinematography Aristotle first to study light with camera Camera Obscura box with a reflective glass so when light entered the box the mirror would reflect the image onto the wall Albertus Magnus William Talbit Thomas Edison silver nitrate darkness when exposed to light Calotype process the negative and positive aspect of photography kinetograph first motion picture camera captures motion kinetoscope completed films were run through this narrow device with small window for exhibition of images device allows people to see the film see motion first movie theater Black Maria police paddy wagon William Dixon developed a better projector Cinematography Cinematographe created by Lumiere Brothers can caption motion and project it smaller can be used in different places that 1895 Grand Cafe in Paris Film print and project images first to cut and edit making narratives George Melies Porter story Kenetiphone DW Griffith the life of an American farmer the great train robbery first film to tell a developed silent films introduced rehearsals costume lighting close ups other angles emotion Edward Muybridge assistant to Edison Series of still shots Ex He took still shots of a horse race and when he later played them at a faster pace the horses appeared to be running Montage taking to unrelated shots and putting them together to create meaning great train robbery first western movie and the first to use montage Nickelodeons first theaters that existed and only a nickel for admission Young make audience that

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