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Psych Lecture 3 Psychoanalytic Theory 09 02 2014 Sigmund Freud developed first theory of personality o Altered the view of humans Before Freud humans are good but we are corrupted by society Freud thought we were born as a teeming mass of sexual and aggressive natures that are inborn to human nature it is society s job to curve these natures even infants have erotic and aggressive drives o Focuses on sexual aggressive urges o Developed a structure of the mind based on his work with Our minds have a particular structure not brain structure but Freud proposed a conceptual understanding of how the mind works o Psychosexual stages beginning in infancy we all go through clients this Influences Brucke Senior colleague of Freud o Biology in favor of vitalism life arose from the soul Freud states of excitation in body instincts or drives are source psychic energy Linking MIND to BODY Instincts Drives Seek expression to REDUCE tension Death instinct Thanatos the aim of the organism Life instinct Libido sex is only part of this is to die return to inorganic state Influences Charcot worked together in France in a woman s asylum o Utilized hypnosis suggestibility symptoms would disappear under hypnosis Access to unconscious material Free association Freud further utilized Patient asked to say whatever comes to their mind without filtering it Mind As Energy System o Limited energy the mind gets energy from the body if you are using your energy for something specific such as worry then you can t use your energy on something else o Energy can be blocked Energy in the mind can be blocked from expression if someone experiences something traumatic or embarrassing they can repress that energy and not attend to it o Homeostatic goal The mind seeks balance the goal of all behavior is the pleasure that results in tension reduction in order to reach this homeostatic goal Influences Breuer o Free association under hypnosis believed he was gaining insight into the unconscious mind o Symptoms related to earlier trauma o Catharsis emotional release experienced when people are able to relive trauma that had been repressed from their conscious mind if people talk about the trauma their symptoms would go away when not under hypnotic trance o Patient of Breuer o Hysteria conversion disorder trauma stress very strange symptoms with no medical cause o Catharsis o The Talking Method what she called it how she was Anna O 1880 illness onset cured Freud o Abandoned hypnosis o Concept of resistance outside of their awareness they are not responding to things When subject goes through something they are uncomfortable with they immediately change the subject o 1896 the term Psychoanalysis was coined o 1900 wrote Interpretation of Dreams Dreams were the royal road to the unconscious Aspects to dreams Manifest content what the scene story is about Latent content underlying symbolic meaning of the dream what is going on in the unconscious o 1901 Psychopathology of Everyday Life Vol 1 o 1923 Diagnosed with mouth cancer died of the cancer o 1938 Fled Vienna to London because of the Nazis and ultimately died there Model of the Mind o Iceberg Above surface conscious mind Slightly below surface Preconscious outside awareness but accessible Deep below surface Unconscious mind completely outside our awareness this part of our mind rules us largest part of our mind that we do not have access to Psychic Determinism o Nothing happens by chance Freudian slips Reason our unconscious rules us Example forgetting to set your alarm or setting your alarm for the wrong time this was not by chance via Freudian analysis Unconscious drives that manifest into mistakes we make Exploring the Unconscious o Free association o Dream analysis manifest latent content o Transference the person being analyzed develops feelings for the analyst normal part of psychoanalysis typically a positive transference o Projective tests assessment tools used by psychoanalysts the test administrators are unconsciously projecting their 09 02 2014 09 02 2014

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